On this page:
1 Practice with parentheses
2 Practice with your instructors

Extra credit: Parentheses quiz🔗

This assignment is due on Friday, October 4 at 11:59pm.

1 Practice with parentheses🔗

Review the origin of parentheses. Click the button

Check your answer using “Show answer” above. Did you get it right? If not, click the button again to get another set, and keeping doing it until you get it right without peeking at the answer.

You don’t need to submit anything for this check. But the longer you put off mastering the skill of matching parentheses, the harder the rest of this entire course will be for you. If you want to do well in the course you have to stay on top of all the material. Don’t leave things to “learn later” because that’ll never work out.

2 Practice with your instructors🔗

Get extra credit worth 1% of your final grade!
  1. Go to Luddy Hall room 0121 during an in-person tutoring session and tell the instructor that you want to take the parentheses quiz.

    You can only try once per tutoring session. You can also try once during each lab session, but only if you and your partner are done with the entire lab, including optional exercises, and the instructor is not busy helping other students.

  2. The instructor will give you a piece of paper with the same practice as produced by the button above (3 of the first kind and 3 of the second kind). Draw your answer with a pen or pencil.

    To receive credit, your answer must be exactly correct.