Keynote Speakers:

Hans von Baeyer
Eric R Johnston
Sarah C Kaiser
Daniel Koch
Mariia Mykhailova
William D Oliver
Gerardo Ortiz
Amr Sabry
James Weaver


Memo Dalkilic
Adrian German
Mike Loukides

Memo Dalkilic is an Associate Professor of Computer Science in the School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering and a very powerful communicator. He is the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Data Science Program and the Chair of the Non-major Curriculum in Computer Science. He is also a leading member of IU's Center for Bio-Informatics Research as well as the Center for Data and Search Informatics. His research interests are in Data Science, Teaching and Learning, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Ethics and Values in Digital Society. At IU he is the recipient of numerous awards for teaching at all levels: department, school, campus and university. In August 2018 Memo was featured in Chicago Tribune (in a column written by Jerry Davich and entitled "Be Uncomfortable: Pursue the Challenge in Your Life"): "Be uncomfortable because the best life is the one that challenges you," Dalkilic told the students at a special orientation event. "Leave college better than you began," Dalkilic told students. "Eschew the undue fascination with yourself. You are part of something larger, grander, more complex than yourself. Invest in your mind. Carefully spend the most precious currency of life: time. Spend your time miserly, jealously, solicitously, judiciously. It's the one thing you own that you're always losing and giving away, but never can get back. [...] Learning is not passive and not finite," Dalkilic said. "You have to continuously struggle and ponder for your entire life. [...] Read to live and to have lived," Dalkilic lectured to the students. "Read Hawthorne, Sartre, Camus, Yeats, Frost ... reading connects us to the rest of humanity."