A290/A590 C
and Unix Main Menu
A290/A590 Access to Posted Meeting Guides.
All the Guides will be published in PDF format. All
but the first will be adopted from basic work documents and will
provide content, explanation and code examples. Guides will usually
be published about one to three (1 - 3) hours before class starts.
You must be officially enrolled in A290/A590 and have a valid IU Network ID to access these Meeting Outlines.
Section I: Introduction: Unix, Console, and C Basics.
- Meeting 1 Slides - Introduction to the
Course. (posted 1/14 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 2 Guide - C Basics: creating our first source file and displaying some output (posted 1/16 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 3 Guide - More Basics in C. (posted 1/21 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 4 Guide - Even More Basics in C: Loops and Conditionals. (posted 1/28 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 5 Guide - C - Functions, Calling Functions, and Introduction to Arrays. (posted 1/30 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 6 Guide - Strings and More
Arrays. (posted 2/6 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 7 Guide - Unix. (posted 2/11 @ 8:30am)
- SUPPLEMENT to Meeting 7 - Unix. (posted 2/11 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 8 Guide - Specific Unix Features and Introduction to Memory/Bit Models. (posted 2/13 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 9 Guide - Bit Manipulation and Introduction to Pointers. (posted 2/18 @ 8:30am)
- SUPPLEMENT to Meeting 9 - Issues with
Floating Point Precision: Slightly annotated version of representing
"123456.123456" in binary. (posted 2/18 @
- SUPPLEMENT to Meeting 9 - Complete table of "extended" ASCII characters (0-255) - [PNG file]. (posted 2/18 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 10 Guide - More with Pointers. (posted 2/20 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 11 Guide - Dynamic Memory Allocation and Using Structures. (posted 2/25 @ 11:30am)
- Meeting 12 Guide - Linked Lists. (posted 2/27 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 13 Guide - "Make" (posted 3/4 @ 8:30am)
- Meeting 14: No formal guide today. We will do a demo and try to
address any questions about Homework ASSIGNMENT 4, if needed. We will also look
at the various JIT topics and questions to review the things we have
tried to share in this course and complete our final CAT.