A290/A590 C
and Unix Main Menu
Assignments/Programs/Other work Based on
Meeting Material and Personal Research.
will have to have a valid IU NetworkID and be officially enrolled in
A290/A590 in order to access the resources presented below .
Important Shared Resources.
This is where I will put links to important resources
everyone needs access to. This area should grow as the course progresses.
The PDF version of the original Kernighan and Ritchie (K&R) Guide to C. [WARNING: File is not that large, but document is 200+ pages.]
A290/A590 JIT (Just-In-Time) Assignments.
JIT assignments will appear here at least 2
days before they are due and will be linked to a MINI assignment. They
will be due about once a week (day/date indicated) by 10:00pm unless
otherwise noted. BE SURE to follow all instructions provided with each
assignment. EMAIL DIRECTLY to Jeff will be the usual method of
submission. Please BE SURE your JIT emails include your questions or
answers as simple text in the email, not as an
attachment. Thanks.
Just-In-Time (JIT) Assignment 0. Due Tuesday, January 14, 2024 VIA plain text direct EMAIL to Jeff by 10PM. (posted 1/14 @ 9:00am)
Just-In-Time (JIT) Assignment 1.
Due Sunday, January 19, 2025 VIA plain text direct EMAIL to Jeff by
10PM. (posted 1/14 @ 12:30pm)
Just-In-Time (JIT) Assignment 2.
Due Sunday, January 26, 2025 VIA plain text direct EMAIL to Jeff by
10PM. (posted 1/20 @ 9:30am)
JIT (Just-In-Time) Assignment 3. Due Monday,
February 17, 2025 VIA plain text direct EMAIL to Jeff by 10PM. (posted 2/12 @ 4:30pm)
A290/A590 MINI Assignments.
Written assignments will appear here at least
2 days before they are due. They will be due approximately once a week
(day/date indicated) by 10:00pm unless otherwise noted. BE SURE to
follow all instructions provided with each assignment. These will be
submitted as Canvas Assignments in the appropriate assignment
WHAT IS A PRECIS?: I have prepared a
brief document designed to further
clarify what I am looking for in the precis part of each of your MINIs
and how it is different than your personal summary. Hope this
MINI 1. Due to your Canvas "MINI
1" Assignment on Sunday, January 19, 2025 by 10PM
(posted 1/14 @ 12:30am)
MINI 2. Due to your Canvas "MINI 2" Assignment on Sunday, January 26, 2025 by 10PM SHARP. [NOTE: You must again use Hoover for some parts of MINI 2.] (posted 1/20 @ 9:30am)
MINI 3. Due to your Canvas "MINI 3" Assignment on Monday, February 17, 2025 by 10PM SHARP. (posted 2/12 @ 4:30pm)
A290/A590 Individual Homework PROGRAM Descriptions.
Individual "PROGRAMS" may only appear here 2-3 days
before they are due. They MAY be due at different times and we will
almost certainly talk about their due date/time in advance. NORMALLY,
they will be due BEFORE midnight of the day/date due. They will almost
always be nothing more than the submission of the latest version of
whatever we have been work on in class. BE SURE to follow all
instructions provided with each assignment. DO NOT ASSUME that the
guidelines that applied to the last Program apply to the current
Individual Homework PROGRAM 1 [Your version of buffet.c].
DUE Tuesday, January 28 Thursday January 30, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) to your
"Homework PROGRAM 1" Assignment in the "Individual Homework PROGRAMS"
group on Canvas. ( posted 1/22 @ 9:00am)
Individual Homework PROGRAM 3. DUE Sunday, February 23, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) ( posted 2/18 @
Individual Homework PROGRAM 4. DUE Sunday, March 2, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) ( posted 2/26 @ 4:00pm)
A290/A590 Individual Homework ASSIGNMENT Descriptions
Individual "ASSIGNMENTS" will be posted about
every other week and you'll have 3-5 days to complete each one. They
will present one or more "real world" problems that you will need to
solve. You will be challenged to complete these entirely on your
own. This is where you will demonstrate that you have actually learned
the various things addressed in the related PROGRAM.
Individual Homework ASSIGNMENT 1. DUE Tuesday,
February 4, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) ( posted 1/29 @ 8:30am)
FOR ASSIGNMENT 1: Here are sample
executables for
A1deprec.c [named S25depreciation] ,
A1prime.c [named S25prime] , and
A1harmonic.c [named S25harmonics]. THESE CAN ONLY BE RUN ON SILO.
it will try to open the binary in your browser. Instead, you
need to save each file to your desktop or othe location on the
computer you are using. Once you have all 3, you need to get each one
transferred to your Silo account "as is" using WinSCP or some similar
tool "in reverse" compared to what you will do for your buffet.c file
for Homework PROGRAM 1. In other words, instead of transferring from
silo to your local computer, you will transfer from the local computer
to your silo account. Once you have all 3 transferred, if the
filenames somehow have extensions, you need to rename them using "mv."
In other words, if you do "ls -al *S25*" and the files have ".txt" or
some other extension, you need to use "mv." Example: "mv S25prime.txt
S25prime". Finally, you need to change the permissions so you can
execute them, using "chmod 700." Example: "chmod 700 S25prime". Please
note we will go through all this together in class on Thursday, 1/30,
well before Homework ASSIGNMENT 1 is due.
Individual Homework ASSIGNMENT 2. DUE Wednesday,
February 12, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) ( posted 2/6 @ 7:45am)
FOR ASSIGNMENT 2: Here are sample
executables for
A2array function [named A2arrayS25] ,
A2 matrix function [named A2matrixS25], and
A2 calculator function [named A2calcS25]. .
Just as for the A1 examples, BE SURE YOU right-click and "SAVE
TARGET AS" or it will try to open the binary in your browser.
You need to get each one transferred to your Silo account "as is" and
change the permissions to "700" (you should know and understand how to
do this after yesterday's class) so you have execute rights. [NOTE:
These binaries will only run on Silo. They will not run on any other
unix platform.]If the files are saved as "[filename].txt" just "mv"
them to names without ".txt" extensions before changing the
ALSO REMEMBER: you will have ALL of
these functions in the single A2.c you will turn in
for your ASSIGNMENT.
Individual Homework ASSIGNMENT 3. DUE Thursday,
February 27, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) (
posted 2/22 @ 11:00am)
FOR ASSIGNMENT 3: Here is a sample
executable for A3
[named A3S25] . As for previous examples, BE SURE YOU
right-click and "SAVE TARGET AS" or it will try to open the binary in
your browser. You need to get the .exe transferred to your
Silo account "as is" and change the permissions to "700" so you
have execute rights. If the files are saved as "[filename].txt" just
"mv" them to names without ".txt" extensions before changing the
Individual Homework ASSIGNMENT 4. DUE Friday, March 7, 2025 by 11:59:00.00PM EST (SHARP) ( posted 2/27 @
FOR ASSIGNMENT 4: Here are sample
executables for
Cricket [named A4Cricket] and A4
Linked List [named A4List]. As always, BE SURE YOU right-click and "SAVE
TARGET AS" or "SAVE LINK AS" or it will try to open the binary in your browser.
You need to get each one transferred to your Silo/Burrow account "as is,"
change the file names, and change the permissions to "700" so you have
execute rights. Remember, if the files are saved as "Cricket.txt" and
"A4list.txt," just "mv" them to Cricket and A4list before changing the