C and Unix
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Tools for Computing:
System Programming with C and Unix.


"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind"

July 21, 1969


Instructor: Jeff Whitmer

Jeff Whitmer

  • My Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
  • Office Hours:

    • Monday/Wednesday: 8:00 - 9:00am. Appointments also available.

    • Office Hour Special NOTES:
      • Any changes to my office hours will be posted here.

        • Monday, August 26, 2024: First Day of Class.

        • Monday, September 2, 2024: Labor Day holiday. Class sessions DO NOT MEET.

    • Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050) Office Phone: 855-3974.
    • E-mail: jwhitmer@indiana.edu.

Meeting Times:

Fall Semester 2024:

MEETINGS: Mondays and Wedensdays:, 1:15pm - 2:30pm (Sections 4440 and 4441) in Luddy Hall 1019 (IF 1019)


animated GIF

Important Updates for All Students
enrolled in Fall Semester 2024:
[LAST UPDATED: 10/21/24]


  • ACTIVE Course Engagement Scores, Final Averages, and Final Grades are posted to Canvas and Final Grades submitted to the Registrar: ACTIVE Course Engagement scores, Final Averages, and Final Grades have been posted on Canvas, and grades have been submitted to the Registrar. It is unlikely I will change any posted grade, unless you discover as mathematical error, but if you have questions you need to contact me promptly. Please read the following carefully before contacting me about your grade.

    The quality of work for the course was very high for this group, so I could not justify any sort of dramatic overall adjustment to the original 90-80-70-60 grading scale, with the top and bottom 2.5% representing the + and - grade respectively. I did, however, make a small adjustment, widening the B range to 78-90 and widening the C range to 66-78, and the D range to 54-66. This means the lowest A- was a 90.0 and the lowest B- was 78.0 and the lowest C- was 66.0. The +/- grades are still the top and bottom 2.5% OF each range. I was able to set a custom grading scheme on Canvas, so your Canvas Final grade is your official Final grade.

    Please remember also, your final average is not simply adding all the scores together and dividing by the total possible. You can confirm this on the "General Course Information" page, but the equation used was: Homework ASSIGNMENTS % x .5 + Homework PROGRAMS % x .25 + ACTIVE Engagement % x .10 + Attendance % x .05 + MINI/JIT/CAT % x .10 = some total less than 100.00. All calculations were taken out to 5 decimal places even though only 2 are displayed. Unless you think there is an arithmetic error, you should consider these grades as truly final, as I have already carefully considered each grade although I made no adjustment to the scale. Please note this especially as it relates to "borderline" grades. I've already looked at every grade and if a change was made, it was only if there was consistent work in every category. If you missed work of any sort for any reason, you should not expect to be moved to the next highest grade. Overall, out of 11 students earning a grade, 5 students earned some version of "A", 4 students earned some version of "B", 1 earned some version of a "C," and 1 earned some version of a "D."

    NOTE on "ACTIVE Engagement." While this is a subjective score, it was very good for most of the class, with a vast majority of the scores in the 90s, and a class average of 89.55. It is important to remind you, as I said in the first and last weeks, it is impossible to separate Participation from Attendance. If you were not present in class, it was impossible to achieve a superior participation score. In addition, even if you were in every class, if you were napping, or clearly not involved in what we were working on together, that was very easy for me to see. Missed course work, especially PROGRAMS and/or ASSIGNMENTS and other factors also played a role in assigning these averages, as noted during the first week of class.

    Once again, thanks for being a terrific group of students and I hope you found the course worthwhile. I hope everyone has a great rest of the semester.

  • Assignment 4 Scores Posted, Overall Assignment Averages on Canvas confirmed accurate and emails on the way: Scores for Assignment 4 are posted and everyone should receive an email with the details of their score by the end of the day. Overall, a good set of submissions, although a fair number of you were challenged by this assignment, with an average of 84.50%, with 4 scores of 100, 1 score in the 90s, 3 in the 80s, 0 in the 70s, 1 in the 60s, and 1 below 50. One student did not successfully submit ASSIGNMENT 4 and was not included in this average. This was supposed to be a challenging final assignment, and it clearly was for at least some of you. Again, this was still a very good performances on A4. Good job! A partial solution for the Linked List component of A4 is available on the Homework Assignments page at the bottom.

    Your Assignment average for the course on Canvas is also confirmed correct. The overall course average for Assignments was 83.59%, which is one of the lower averages I have seen in recent offerings of this course. This appears to be due primarily to lower averages for those students who did not submit one or more of the ASSIGNMENTS. Keep in mind that the averages on A2 and A3 were quite good, but the average on A1 was also somewhat lower than what I normally expect. Again, there were several students who missed one or more assignments, which also impacts their individual overall average. For the Assignment Average, there were 2 averages of 100, 3 in the 90s, 1 in the 80s, 2 in the 70s, 2 in the 60s, and 1 below 60.

    NOTE: Participation Scores, Final Averages, and Final Grades will be posted sometime on Monday, October 21, 2024 and submitted to the Registrar no later than 8pm on Monday, October 21, 2024.

  • Your overall Canvas averages for "Attendance" are confirmed accurate. For "Attendance" there were 16 possible class meetings. This includes the two days I was ill where everyone was counted present. If you had an excused absence, either with documentation, or as your one allowed "PTO" day (see Course Guidelines), it counted neither for nor against you. The class Attendance average was 94.71%, with 7 100s, 2 in the 90s, 1 in the 80s, and 1 in the 70s. As previously noted in class, if your attendance average is low, you should not expect a high "ACTIVE Course Engagement" score when those are posted next Monday. The Averages on Canvas are correct, but rounded. In my records, they are stored to six decimal places for greater accuracy. This means your "92" on Canvas could well be a 92.31 and your "87" on Canvas could well be an 86.67. Canvas rounds up or down for Attendance, but I will not when calculating the final averages.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you have any questions about your Attendance or your MINIU/JIT/CAT averages, you must contact me by 5pm today, Friday, October 18, 2024. While I will not be able to reply, I will consider your request or answer your question, if it arrives by this deadline. After that, these averages will be final and official.

  • Your overall average for "MINI/JIT/CAT" on Canvas confirmed accurate: Since yesterday's CAT was our last one, your overall average for "MINI/JIT/CAT" is now final and confirmed accurate. Keep in mind these various overall averages carry different "weights" in determining your final average for the course. You can review those "weights" on the "General Course Information" page. There were 3 MINIs (15 each), 4 JITs (3 each) and 4 CATs (10 each) for a total of 97 possible points. The course average on these was 75.16%. ALSO NOTE: I did my best to point out on the first day that if you missed one MINI or one CAT or a couple of class meetings, each was worth a small enough part of your final grade it wouldn't make a difference. HOWEVER, I also said that if you missed several MINIs and/or several CATs and/or many classes, it would definitely have an impact. For a few of you, this turned out to the be the case. There was 1 average in the 90s, 5 in the 80s, 1 in the 70s, 2 in the 60s, 1 in the 50s, and 1 below 50.


Graduate Associate Instructors, Fall 2024:

Sri Sai Sreya Sadasivapetkar

Sri Sai Sreya Sadasivapetkar

Email: ssadasiv@iu.edu

  • Office Hours/Appointments: Usually part of class meeting time. Appointments also available and strongly encouraged.
    PREFERRED Appointment times:

  • Mondays: 9:00am - 11:00am and Thursdays: - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
