Indiana University, Bloomington

May 6, 2006 (Saturday)

Distinguished Invited Lecture:
Prof. Fan Chung Graham
Akamai Professor of Internet Mathematics
University of California at San Diego


Where is Bloomington, IN? Here are some directions to Indiana University.

The conference will be in Lindley Hall (LH) 102 (with lunch in LH216):

Parking is free on weekends only in two IUB garages: Atwater and Poplars. Note that the links above are to a fully interactive map of the Indiana University Bloomington campus. Parking permits have been secured for those that have requested them for the other parking areas. If you need a parking permit please let us know.

Here are some links collected under the title Visiting Bloomington.

Google Maps or Yahoo! Maps could help provide a driving itinerary to Bloomington. As an example here's how you get here from Ames, IA.

For those that want or need to come as early as Friday and will need accomodation, here's excellent information about Bloomington. You may be able to find a room if you call soon despite the fact that May 6, 2006 is Graduation Day for IU. On Graduation Day the campus is full of happy people and is at its best, so this is by far the best day to see it.

Here's a direct link to hotels and motels in the area. (Perhaps this link is even more direct, although the previous one has significantly more breadth). There are also maps and directions on the website, for example this interactive Bloomington map.

Hope to see everybody soon and please let us know if you need any help!