A338/A538 Main Menu

POTENTIAL Summer Session Lab Schedule


Week of June 17: LAB 1: Introduction to Potential Teammates, Introduction to Final Team Project.

Week of June 17: LAB 2: Another look at models, modules, and layers.

Week of June 25: LAB 3: Hand-on basic trouble-shooting and problem solving?

Week of June 25: LAB 4: Using a NIC as a test device - Introduction to Trouble-shooting.

Week of June 25: LAB 5: How to write a technically-oriented report - hosted by Mary Helen Truglia, Writing Tutorial Services.

Week of July 1: LAB 6: First Tour of SICE Network and Systems Facilities (IDF, MDF, and Data Center).

Week of July 1: LAB 7: Building a Trouble-shooting Strategy and Introduction to Wireshark.

Week of July 8: LAB 8: Wireshark, InSSIDer, Vistumbler, and 802.11.

Week of July 8: LAB 9: Project Management and Team Organization.

Week of July 8: LAB 10: More detailed network analysis using Wireshark.

Week of July 15: LAB 11: Stakeholders Meeting.

Week of July 15: LAB 12: Tour of SICE Data Center.
