A338/A538 Main Menu

Network Technologies
and System Administration.

[Formerly A247/A547 - Network Technologies and Administration.]


"To boldly go where no man has gone before!"

September 8, 1966


Instructor: Jeff Whitmer

Jeff Whitmer

  • My Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
  • Office Hours:

    • Summer 2024: By Appointment Only.

  • Office Hour Special NOTES:
    • Any changes to my office hours will be posted here.

      • Monday, June 17, 2024: FIRST DAY OF CLASS.

      • Thuesday, July 4, 2024: 4th of July Day Holiday: IU CLASSES DO NOT MEET.

  • Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050) Office Phone: 855-3974.
  • E-mail: jwhitmer@iu.edu.

Meeting Times: (Summer Session 2024)

  • DAILY: Meeting Guides will be posted each day. (sections 14387 and 14389)

"Lab" Times: (Summer Session 2024)

  • To Be Arranged - Hoping for two live meetings weekly (section 14388 and 14390)

animated GIF

Important Updates for All Students
enrolled in Summer Session 2024


[LAST UPDATED: 7/25/2024]


CURRENT SUMMER 2024 COMPOSITE SCHEDULE This is a very, very, very tentative, version of the SSII 2024 schedule, combining regular and potential "second" or "lab" meetings, JIT/MINI deadlines, and Individual and Team HOMEWORK deadlines at this point. Other events may be added as we progress. Keep in mind this schedule could change at any time. Such changes will first be announced clearly in class. [LAST REVISED: Monday, July 22, 2024]


  • CAT 9 scores posted and CAT Averages on Canvas confirmed accurate: Just a quick note to let everyone know I have posted the CAT 9 scores and confirmed the CAT averages on Canvas match my records. The CAT average is based on 9 CAT exercises totally 108 points. The class average was 72.96, which is one of the lower averages I have seen on the CATs overall, but within expectations. This appears to be caused, at least in part, by several students failing to submit one or more CAT exercises. As noted at the beginning of the course, missing one or two of these small point value assignments would have minimal impact on your final average, but as some of the resulting very low averages reveal, some students missed a very substantial number of these assignments which will impact final averages. This is all the detail I can share publicly with the small class size.

  • TEAM FINAL PROJECT SELF and TEAMMATE ASSESSMENT FORM is now available via the Homework page. It is in the "Final Team Project Resources" section, near the top of the page. The assessments are due for each TEAM MEMBER (including YOURSELF) to your Canvas "TEAM FINAL PROJECT Self and Teammate Assessments" assignment in the "TEAM-based Final Project Assessment and Review" group AFTER 12:00PM (Noon) on Friday, July 26, 2024 and BY 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) on Friday, July 26, 2024. EARLY and LATE submissions will not be possible as the assignment will only be available during the stated time period. BE SURE to properly name each file you submit. Additional IMPORTANT details and reminders are available with the link on the Homework Page. You are strongly encouraged to confirm you can access the file and save it with changes. As with TEAM Homework 4, I am requiring a separate file submission for each teammate, including yourself. Please read over it at your earliest convenience and notify me as soon as possible if you have questions or concerns. ALL QUESTIONS about this form must be answered before the end of class day on 7/24/24. While this is basically the same form and process you used for the TEAM Homework 4 Assessments, this is a different form. Be sure you download and use ONLY this new form. Only assessments using this new form will be accepted for credit. PLEASE take note of the proper assignment submission location. The Canvas assignments for both the Final Project Report and the Final Project Assessments have been created and will "unlock" and "lock" at the designated times.

  • FINAL Version of Final Project Description posted. The "FINAL Version" of the Final Project description is now available in the "Final Team Project Resources" Section at the top of the Homework Page of the website. Because it includes all the things that were in the "Introduction" version, I have removed that link to avoid confusion. This is as early as I have posted this, so we will see if it makes a difference. Notice there are several deadlines for various components. While some of those may not make any sense now, they will before you are required to complete them. Read this carefully, when you have the time, and let me know if you find any typos or other things you believe to be "errors." We will discuss topics directly related to one of these intermediate submissions in our Monday Zoom 7 meeting on 7/15/24, and other topics in greater detail in later meetings.

  • Luddy Hall, Lindley Hall, and AFA images posted. As promised, there is a link after the Meeting 11 outline on the Meeting Outlines page to a set of images from Luddy Hall, Lindley Hall, and the United Stated Air Force Academy, showing different deployments and different generations of the things we looked at on our first tour today (Monday).

    The Zoom meeting from 7/1/24 is now available in the Media Gallery as well.

    The Individual Homework Assignment 1 Canvas assignment is also available.

  • Notes on Individual Homework Assignment 1. I wanted to share some quick notes based on some very relevant general questions I have received.

    1. All course materials, both outlines and recorded sessions, can be used without citation, unless citing them makes you more comfortable.
    2. REMEMBER your "Sources" page at the end and how to properly give credit for using any of those sources in the body of your paper.
    3. No appendices please. All relevant content should be incorporated into the body of the document. The submitted file should be the "body" of your paper with the last page being your "Sources" as previously mentioned.
    4. Be careful with vocabulary. Remember to avoid the "p" word, the "h" word and other ambiguous terms or phrases and use the precise unambiguous vocabulary as used in the course materials.

    I hope this information is both timely and useful.

  • IEEE article, ACM article, and "sample" outline and recording of Zoom WTS Workshop on 6/26/24 posted There is now a link on the Homework Page right after the link to the JIT Questions to the IEEE journal article about wireless on airplanes I mentioned on Friday. Keep in mind this is a referred article in a professional journal, so the authors have assumed a good deal of background knowledge of their target group of professional readers. You cannot make that assumption for the "lay reader" your Homework Assignment 1 paper is intended for. You could already have enough knowledge to make sense of some of this material, but by the middle or end of next week, you should be even better prepared to read and understand substantial parts of it. Notice how the authors actually provide an outline of their journal article on the 5th page. Also notice the "Introduction" to this paper is nearly 4 pages long. Keep in mind, this is an example to let you gain experience on what a professional, referred journal article presents to its readers and how it is organized. To further reinforce these strategies, I have linked a second article from the Communications of the ACM on High Performance Computing. While this is somewhat less technical (which is why I'm sharing it), you could recognize more or all of the strategies that we discussed in our workshop.

    Just remember, you have different goals for your first paper, but you can gain a good deal by looking at both articles and seeing how things are organized at the level of the article as a whole, at the level of the sections, at the level of the sub-sections, and even at the level of the paragraphs. I have also published the "sample" outline I displayed and briefly discussed at the end of today's workshop.

    The recording of today's Zoom meeting is in the Media Gallery.

    Here is the the contact information for both WTS and for Mary Helen:


    I hope you find them useful.
