A338/A538 Main Menu

Network Technologies
and System Administration.

[Formerly A247/A547 - Network Technologies and Administration.]


"To boldly go where no man has gone before!"

September 8, 1966


Instructor: Jeff Whitmer

Jeff Whitmer

  • My Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
  • Office Hours:

    • Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050) Monday/Wednesday: 8:00 - 9:00am. Appointments also available.

  • Office Hour Special NOTES:
    • Any changes to my office hours will be posted here.

      • Monday, August 26, 2024: First Day of Class.

      • Monday, September 2, 2024: Labor Day: CLASSES WILL NOT MEET.

  • Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050) Office Phone: 855-3974.
  • E-mail: jwhitmer@iu.edu.

Meeting Times: (Fall Semester 2024)

  • Monday/Wednesday: 9:45am - 11:00am (sections 3257 and 3259) Luddy Hall 1019 (IF 1019)

"Lab" Times: (Fall Semester 2024)

  • F: 9:10 - 10:00am in Luddy Hall 0006 (IF0006) (section 3258 and 3260)

animated GIF

Important Updates for All Students
enrolled in Fall Semester 2024


[LAST UPDATED: 10/22/2024]


  • MINI 5 and JIT 5 scores posted and emails on the way. MINI 5 and JIT 5 scores are posted and you should receive an email with the details of your score by the end of the day. MINI 5 was worth 15 points. This was another outstanding effort. Overall class average was 85.56% or 12.83/15, a 5% point improvement over MINI 4. JIT 5 was worth 3 points.

    A Compilation of Questions from JIT 5 submissions are also posted. You may see what you asked along with what all your classmates asked by accessing the link in the "Shared Resources" section of the Homework Page. I would VERY strongly encourage everyone to look over all these questions. There are some really excellent questions here that we will address over the next 3-4 meetings or so. As is often the case, there may some clear confusions or common misconceptions. Just be careful when considering what you read, as it could be inaccurate.

  • Important reminder about Fall Enrollment: As the Instructor for this course, I think I am obliged to do my best to keep you informed about important events or deadlines during the semester. One of those deadlines that I need to inform you about is the last day to drop a Fall 2024 semester-long course with an Automatic "W." That deadline is this Sunday, October 27, 2024. Since this policy was changed during the pandemic and then retained for a number of semesters after we returned to in person classes, I want to be sure everyone is aware of this deadline.

  • TEAM-BASED HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 2 is now available via the Homework page. It is due to EVERY TEAM MEMBER'S Canvas "TEAM Homework Assignment 2" assignment in the "Individual and TEAM-based Homework Assignments:" group on Thursday, October 24, 2024 BY 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP). BE SURE to properly name the file you submit and follow all the other guidelines provided in the TEAM Homework Assignment 2 description. You are strongly encouraged to read over it at your earliest convenience and notify me as soon as possible if you have questions or concerns. Every member must submit exactly the same, i.e. word identical, file and the TEAM Homework Assignment 2 submission is expected to be a substantial improvement in depth and detail over any Individual Homework Assignment 1 submission. You are very strongly encouraged to be sure you have contact with all your teammates immediately (if you have not done so already) to setup a schedule for working on TEAM Homework 2. I will discuss it in some detail in our Monday, 10/14 meeting. As already announced, we plan to have your Homework Assignment 1 papers ready to return to you no later than Monday, October 14, so you will have them and our feedback well before TEAM Homework Assignment 2 is due. Remember, the sooner your team starts to work on this assignment, the better the outcome is likely to be. Since each of you has the digital version of your completed Individual Homework Assignment 1 paper, your team could begin work on TEAM Homework Assignment 2 as soon as you wish, even before any Individual Homework Assignment 1 scores are posted or papers and feedback returned.

  • A338/A538 TEAMS HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED AND POSTED ALONG WITH FINAL PROJECT INITIAL DESCRIPTION WITH TOPICS: There is now a link on the Homework Page in the Final Team Project Resources section (near the top) showing all the teams and their respective members. Assignments were as random as I could make them, keeping all teammates close to the same size. There are 2 A338 teams, and both have 4 members to begin with. Past experience shows that, should the teams become different sized due to students withdrawing from the courses, these differences in size neither help nor hinder any team. You are strongly encouraged to make contact with your teammates as promptly as possible, perhaps even before class on Wednesday, September 4. As already announced, I will ask you to figure out where you can sit so you will be with your team for the rest of the semester. There will be a variety of in-class team exercises, so you will all need to be seated near each other. The Team Assignments will be posted on-screen at the beginning of class tomorrow, 9/4, to aid in this process.

    As promised, a PDF version of the Final Project "initial" description that we used last Friday to brainstorm possible topics is also available in the "Final Team Project Resources" section. At the end you will find the compiled list of topics we came up with as well as additional topics added by me at the end of the list, that appear in bold type.
