A338/A538 Main Menu

Homework Assignments and Other Resources.


I will be posting all the various Homework Assignments on this page.

Most Homework will be submitted electronically to a specified location in an Canvas Assignment/Assignment Group that has been created for you. BE SURE you read each assignment carefully and submit it to the correct location and in the correct File Format. Submissions that are not submitted according to the guidelines should expect to be scored as a 0 (zero). The Canvas system will confirm it is late because you will not be able to submit any assignment after the deadline.

ALSO NOTE: Late Homework will not be accepted. If you fail to submit your email or electronic assignment by the posted deadline, your score will be 0 (zero). No exceptions.


A338/A538 Final Team Project Resources.

You must be enrolled in A338/A538 AND have a valid IU NetworkID to access these assignments once they are officially "posted."

Throughout the term, there will be entries below related to the team project. Other resources may appear on Canvas.

A338/A538 Combined Teams for Summer Session 2024. Posted Tuesday, June 18, 2024. LAST UPDATED: Monday, July 1, 2024

Version 1.0: Final Project Description WITH MAJOR TOPICS INCLUDED for Summer Session 2024 (Adobe PDF document). Posted Friday, July 12, 2024.

Here is the simple document about making your project SMART that we shared on 7/15/24. Posted Monday, July 15, 2024.

Here is the document with the list of characteristics we brain-stormed for the various "Leads" for the Final Project. Posted Monday, July 15, 2024.

A338/A538 FINAL TEAM REPORT TEAMMATE ASSESSMENT FORM. ONE FOR EACH TEAMMATE AND YOURSELF Due Friday, July 26, 2024 to your Canvas "TEAM-based Final Project Self and Teammate Assessments" assignment in the "TEAM-based Final Project Assessment and Review" group AFTER 12:00PM (Noon) and BEFORE 11:59:00.00PM (MIDNIGHT). (posted 7/23 @ 9:00am)

[NOTE: This is a read-only Microsoft DOCX file you will need to "SAVE AS" for each teammate and YOURSELF. Same process as the Homework 4 Assessments. ALSO NOTE: This is a new/different form than Homework 4. Be sure to use this new form only.]

  • Please be sure you clearly name each assessment file so it can be easily associated, by filename alone, with the teammate who is being assessed in that file.
  • The editable form for download is now available via the link above.
  • The form is an editable Microsoft Word document.
  • Only Microsoft Word format will be accepted for the completed assessments. Be sure you are clear, if you submit PDF, scanned images, or anything other than *.docx, your assessments will not be evaluated with the associated consequence to your final average.
  • BE SURE to mark your quantitative assessments with an "X" only.
  • Remember to do an assessment for yourself as well as for each teammate.
  • Every teammate should have a dedicated assessment form/file. Please DO NOT combine your assessments into one file.
  • PLEASE DO NOT ZIP your files, hand them in as regular files. ZIPPED files will not be unzipped, meaning a score of 0.
  • REMEMBER: 50% of your score will be how your teammates RATE YOU on the quantitative part of the form, the other 50% will be how I RATE THE QUALITY AND PROFESSIONALISM OF YOUR FEEDBACK to your teammates on the qualitative part of the form.
  • All students will be receiving a collated copy of the quantitative and qualitative feedback they receive from their team.


A338/A538 Various Course Resources We Worked On Together.

You must be enrolled in A338/A538 AND have a valid IU NetworkID to access these assignments once they are officially "posted."

  • BIG 3 questions from JITs 1 thru 7. (LAST UPDATED: 7/19 @ 9:00am)

  • Here is a PDF version of a Journal article from the Proceedings of the IEEE about the use of wireless communication in the airline industry. While you should actually understand a far bit of this once we complete our 802.11 discussions, notice more importantly the organization of the article, the writing style, and the inclusion of an actual outline of the article on the fifth (5th) page to aid the reader. [Note this is a large, 7MB+, file.]

  • Here is a PDF version of a Journal article from the Communications of the ACM about various possible futures for High Performance Computing (HPC). This includes developments in technology as well as software. While you may not understand some of this, notice more importantly the organization of this article, the writing style, and how it has some organizational strategies similar to the IEEE article as well as some different strategies because it is a different sort of document with a different audience. [Note this is a somewhat large, 3MB+, file.]

  • Outline example from Meeting on 5/18/23 Here is the "sample" outline that I displayed and briefly discussed at the end of our Soom meeting on Thursday, June 26, 2024.

  • Meeting Guide for Zoom Meeting 2: Here is the PDF File for Zoom Meeting 2 on 6/24/24 A338/A538 Zoom Meeting 2 . You will likely benefit by reading this in advance of our meeting. Several times might be a good idea. I will be going through all this and then actually demonstrating the special software mentioned that we would all use if we were meeting in person..

  • Meeting Guide for Zoom Meeting 3: Here is the PDF File for Zoom Meeting 3 on 6/26/24 A338/A538 Zoom Meeting 3 . You definately want to read this in advance of our meeting. Several times might be a good idea. We will be solicting your comments and we will be assuming you have read this before our session begins. You also want to review Individual Homework Assignment 1 several times.

    We will have a guest from IU CITL Writing Tutorial Services (WTS) to aid us with this exercise as a way to aid everyone in preparing for Individual Homework Assignment 1. As I have already noted, the value of this exercise will be directly linked to how prepared you are before we begin. Again, please be prepared to participate and ready to enable both your audio and video for this Zoom session.

  • Meeting Guide for Zoom Meeting 5: Here is the PDF File for Zoom Meeting 5 on 7/9/24 A338/A538 Zoom Meeting 5 . You may benefit by reading this in advance of our meeting. I will be going through all this and then actually demonstrating the special software mentioned that we would all use if we were meeting in person..

  • Meeting Guide for Zoom Meeting 6: Here is the PDF File for Zoom Meeting 6 on 7/10/24 A338/A538 Zoom Meeting 6 . You may benefit by reading this in advance of our meeting. I will be going through all this and then actually demonstrating the special software mentioned that we would all use if we were meeting in person..


A338/A538 In-Class CAT Solutions (as needed).

You must be enrolled in A338/A538 AND have a valid IU NetworkID to access these assignments once they are officially "posted."

  • Downloadable File for CAT 9: Here is the Word File for CAT 9 on 7/24/24 A338/A538 CAT 9 [named CAT9_SS24.docx] . REMEMBER to enter your names in the appropriate location!

    The CAT 9 document will be available to download from 9:00am - 3:00pm on 7/24/24. You will have this 6-hour "window" to download the file.

    You need to download this Word file (using "right click" "Save link as"), indicate and/or enter your preferred answers, and submit your edited copy of the CAT 9 file to the CAT 9 assignment that will be opened at 9:00am EDT on Wednesday, 7/24/24, and closed at 9:00pm EDT on Wednesday, 7/24/24.

    This is an exercise intended to probe the knowledge you have retained from all the work we have done so far, so I will ask you firmly to abide by what will always be the "rules" for CAT exerices: "No additional resources permitted."

  • Preferred Answer for In-Class TEAM CAT 2. From Thursday, June 27. (posted 6/28 @ 12:30pm)
  • Preferred Answers for In-Class CAT 4. From Tuesday, July 2. (posted 7/14 @ 11:00am)
  • Preferred Answer for In-Class TEAM CAT 5. From Thursday, July 11. (posted 7/14 @ 11:00am)
  • Preferred Answers for In-Class CAT 6. From Tuesday, July 16. (posted 7/17 @ 12:30pm)
  • Completed and submitted in class on 6/6/23.
  • Preferred Answers for In-Class CAT 8. From Monday, July 22. (posted 7/23 @ 10:30am)

A338/A538 Just-In-Time (JIT) Assignments.

You must be enrolled in A338/A538 AND have a valid IU NetworkID to access these assignments once they are officially "posted."


A338/A538 MINI Assignments.

You must be enrolled in A338/A538 AND have a valid IU NetworkID to access these assignments once they are officially "posted."

WHAT IS A PRECIS?: I have prepared a brief document designed to further clarify what I am looking for in the precis part of each of your MINIs and how it is different than your personal summary. Hope this helps.


A338/A538 Homework Assignments.

You must be enrolled in A338/A538 AND have a valid IU NetworkID to access these assignments once they are officially "posted."

  • INDIVDIUAL Homework Assignment 1. Due Monday, July 1, 2024 to your Canvas "INDIVIDUAL Homework 1" assignment by 11:59:00.00PM SHARP. [HOMEWORK 1 is worth 50 points.] (posted 6/24 @ 1:00pm)

  • TEAM Homework Assignment 2. Due Tuesday, July 9, 2024 to EVERY TEAM MEMBER'S Canvas "TEAM Homework 2" assignment in the "Individual and TEAM-based Homework Assignments:" group by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) [HOMEWORK 2 is worth 100 points.]. (posted 7/2 @ 9:00am)

  • INDIVIDUAL Homework Assignment 3. Due Friday, July 12, 2024 to your Canvas "INDIVIDUAL Homework Assignment 3" assignment by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP) [HOMEWORK 3 is worth 50 points.]. (posted 7/8 @ 8:00pm)

  • TEAM Homework Assignment 4. Due Friday, July 19, 2024 to everyones Canvas "TEAM Homework 4" assignment by 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP). [HOMEWORK 4 is worth 100 points.]. (posted 7/13 @ 10:00am)
