- Practice converting simple functions to CPS. (Use Java).
- What is the value of each of the following expressions:
Java Semantics
Be prepared to trace Java fragments including small class
hierarchies. Make sure you understand how environments and stores
enter the picture in Java. Make sure you clearly understand how
inheritance, variable shadowing, and method overriding interact.
Here are some of the Scheme expressions from the
midterm re-written in Java. Make sure you can trace them.
And here some examples testing your understanding of inheritance.
For the midterm review, I posted a couple of hard problems Robot
and HTML. A
very good exercise encompassing much of the important concepts you
need to understand is to take the solutions, convert them to Java
using visitors, and then convert them to CPS.
Challenge Problem but very instructive
Here is the code for the "same fringe" problem
in Scheme. This problem asks you to compare the leaves of two
trees (that may have different structures) without traversing the
entire trees. In other words it should stop immediately as soon as two
leaves are different. The challenge is to rewrite the code in
Java. Here is my solution which does not
use inner classes but rather builds closures manually.