Another sample question on the hard side
In this problem, you are to write an interpreter for a small fragment
of HTML. We are considering a tiny fragment of HTML that includes
plain text, lists (numbered and plain), and sequences. The grammar for
this fragment is:
type html =
Text of string
| Sequence of html * html
| Numbered_list of html list
| Plain_list of html list
The interpreter takes HTML descriptions as above and produces
formatted output. For example, running:
go (Sequence (Text "Hello...Testing lists",
[Text "one";
Text "two";
Sequence (Text "three",
[Text "one nested one level";
Text "two nested one level";
Sequence (Text "three nested one level",
[Text "one nested two levels";
Text "two nested two levels"]);
Text "four nested one level"])]))
should produce:
Hello...Testing lists
one nested one level
two nested one level
three nested one level
1. one nested two levels
2. two nested two levels
four nested one level
Here is the beginning of that interpreter:
let go html =
let formatted_string = interp html "" [] in
Printf.printf "%s\n" formatted_string
and interp html indent nums =
match html with
Text s -> s
| Sequence (h1,h2) -> interp h1 indent nums ^ interp h2 indent nums
| Plain_list hs -> interp_plain hs (indent ^ "\t") nums
| Numbered_list hs -> interp_numbered hs (indent ^ "\t") (ref 1 :: nums)
and interp_plain hs indent nums =
match hs with
[] -> ""
| [h] -> "\n" ^ indent ^ interp h indent nums
| (h::hs) ->
"\n" ^ indent ^ interp h indent nums ^
interp_plain hs indent nums
and interp_numbered hs indent nums =
match hs with
Complete the implementation of interp_numbered
. The idea
here is that nums
is acting like environment which keeps
track of the current numbers of the list items. The following example
illustrates the basic idea:
1. ... env = ref 1 :: []
2. ... env = ref 2 :: []
1. ... env = ref 1 :: ref 2 :: []
2. ... env = ref 2 :: ref 2 :: []
3. ... env = ref 3 :: ref 2 :: []
4. ... env = ref 4 :: ref 2 :: []
3. ... env = ref 3 :: []
Ocaml hint:
Given the int
, you can produce the string
"3. "
by writing:
string_of_int 3 ^ ". "