Saturday (November 1, 2008)
10:15am-11:15am Gregory Chaitin Lecture
How real are the real numbers? (Frangipani Room, IMU)
11:30am-12:30pm Sir Anthony J. Leggett Lecture (Frangipani, IMU) What exactly is the
predictive success of quantum mechanics (to date) telling us about the physical world?
02:00pm-02:45pm David Deutsch Lecture
What is Computation? (How) Does Nature Compute?
(Videoconference from Oxford, in Rawles 100)
03:00pm-03:45pm Lov K. Grover Lecture (
(Videoconference from Bell Labs, in Rawles 100)
04:15pm-05:15pm Cristian Calude Lecture (
Can randomness be certified by proof?
(Rawles 100)
05:30pm-06:30pm Tommaso Toffoli Lecture
'Life' without batteries, and other Faustian bargains (Rawles 100)
08:00pm-09:00pm Ed Fredkin Lecture
Computation and Physics (Rawles 100)
09:15pm-10:15pm Stephen Wolfram Lecture (Rawles 100)
What Computes and Why It Matters
This is followed by a 15 minutes break, then by another Stephen Wolfram
talk regarding new technologies from Wolfram Research for those interested:
NKS Future Technology: A Very Real Example (NDA required, form will be provided)
11:15pm-11:30pm George Johnson (assisted by Gerardo Ortiz, Hector Zenil):
Announcing Sunday's Round Table Discussion/Debate (Rawles 100)
08:00am-09:00am Coffee, Pastries, Fruit & Registration
(Frangipani Room,
10:00am-10:15am Break
11:15am-11:30am Break
01:00pm-02:00pm Lunch (Ticketed, Frangipani)
Ticketed events available only with full registration.
04:00pm-04:15pm Beverage Break
Followed by Complex Systems announcement (Todd Rowland)
05:15pm-05:30pm Break
09:00pm-09:15pm Break
09:45pm-10:00pm Break