Environment Representation

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Environment Representation

The state of the interpreter is contained in an object of type Scheme_Env. The environment contains both global and local bindings. The definition of the Scheme_Env structure is shown in figure 9. The global variable bindings are held in a hash table. The local bindings are represented by a vector of variables (symbols) and a vector of corresponding values. An environment that holds local variables points to the enclosing environment with its next field. Therefore, variable value lookup consists of walking the environment chain, looking for a local variable of the correct name. If no local binding is found, the variable is looked for in the global hash table.

Figure: The Scheme_Env structure

Table 1 lists the environment manipulation functions. Unless the user is adding special forms that create variable bindings, she usually only needs to worry about the scheme_basic_env() and scheme_add_global() functions. The scheme_basic_env() function is used to create a new environment with the standard Scheme bindings which can then be extended with new primitives, types, etc. using scheme_add_global().

Table 1: Environment manipulation functions

Brent Benson
Mon Sep 19 16:03:14 EDT 1994