B599 - Teaching in Computer Science
General Information
Class participation is a very important component of B599 - Teaching in Computer Science. You will not improve your teaching skills unless you attend this class. Because your attendance is vital to improving your abilities as a teacher,
attendance is required. Only medical emergencies and a death in your family will justify an excused absence. All other reasons will be unacceptable. Each missed class will result in a 2% reduction of your final grade.
The nature of this course is performance. You will be particpating in class discussions through your contribution of discussion questions about your classroom experiences and assigned readings, leading micro-teaching activities, and writing a research paper about a pedagogical topic. Because others in this course will be depending on your contributions to this course, you must come to class and arrive on time.
Tardiness will not be accepted due to its nature of disturbing your classmates. Please be at class and on time.
This seminar is offered by the
Computer Science Department in the
School of Informatics on the
Indiana University Bloomington Campus.
URL: http://www.cs.indiana.edu/classes/b599/participation.html
Comments: sabry@cs.indiana.edu
Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, Dr. Eric L Kisling