A290/A590 Web/C# Main Menu

Tools for Computing/Topics in Programming:
Interface Design and Programming for the Web
with Visual Studio and Visual C#.


"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things,
not because they are easy, but because they are hard ..."

-President John F. Kennedy, Address at Rice University, September 12, 1962


Instructor: Jeff Whitmer

Jeff Whitmer

  • Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).

    • Office Hours:
    • By appointment only.
  • Office Hour Special NOTES:
    • Any changes to my office hours will be posted here.
      • Tuesday, March 11, 2025: FIRST DAY THIS CLASS MEETS.
  • Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
  • Phone: 855-3974.
  • E-mail: jwhitmer@iu.edu.


MEETINGS: Tuesday and Thursday: 9:35am - 10:50am (sections 5268 and 6033)
Miles Brand Hall I W109


animated GIF

Spring Semester 2024 Students
Please note the following:
[Updated: 3/3/25]

  • MOST COURSE WEBPAGES LOCKED UNTIL EARLY MARCH: Since class doesn't begin until 3/11/25, most course webpages will be locked until that date is very close. Look for a Canvas announcement before March 11, 2025 that the site is ready for class. Feel free to contact me, jwhitmer@iu.edu, if you have questions.


Graduate Associate Instructors (AIs), Spring 2025:

