(a left parenthesis),
(a right parenthesis), and IDENTIFIER
(a sequence of letters):
exp ::= cast | call | LPAREN exp RPAREN | IDENTIFIER cast ::= LPAREN type RPAREN exp call ::= function LPAREN argument RPAREN function ::= exp argument ::= exp type ::= IDENTIFIER
Prove the syntactic ambiguity of the this grammar by finding a string that has more than one parse tree. Draw the parse trees.
It can be parsed as:
to type
, or
with argument
datatype shape = Rect | Square | Circle | Intersect of (shape * shape)A
is either a rectangle, a square, a circle, or
created by intersecting two other shapes. For example, one can declare
the following four shapes:
val s1 = Rect val s2 = Circle val s3 = Intersect(s1,s2) val s4 = Intersect(s2,s3)Write an ML function
that counts the number of
circles used in creating a shape:
- countC(s1); val it = 0 : int - countC(s2); val it = 1 : int - countC(s3); val it = 1 : int - countC(s4); val it = 2 : int
fun countC Rect = 0 | countC Square = 0 | countC Circle = 1 | countC (Intersect(s1,s2)) = countC(s1) + countC(s2)
library assert.h
can be used to check
invariants at run-time. Here is an example program:
#include "assert.h" main () { int x = 3; int y = 5; assert (x > 0 && y < 10); x = x+y; assert (x < 0); }When compiled and executed, this program prints:
Assertion failed: x < 0, file testassert.c, line 8 Abortwhich indicates that the first assertion succeeded and that the second assertion failed.
A programmer developing a new fast multiplication algorithm carefully intrumented the code with assertions that would guarantee the correctness of the code:
int fastmul (int a0, int b0) { int result = 0; int a = a0; int b = b0; assert(result == a0*b0 - a*b); while (a >= 1) { assert(result == a0*b0 - a*b); if (a % 2 == 0) { result = 2 * result; a = a / 2; } else { result = result + b; a = a - 1; } } assert(result == a0*b0 - a*b && a == 0); return result; }Answer the following questions.
and y
such that all
assertions succeed when executing the call fastmul(x,y)
Solution x = 0, y = 7
and n
that at least one assertion fails when executing the call
Solution x = 5, y = 7
int fastmul (int a0, int b0) { int result = 0; int a = a0; int b = b0; assert(result == a0*b0 - a*b); while (a >= 1) { assert(result == a0*b0 - a*b); if (a % 2 == 0) { b = b * 2; /** CHANGED THIS LINE **/ a = a / 2; } else { result = result + b; a = a - 1; } } assert(result == a0*b0 - a*b && a == 0); return result; }
datatype BOp = PLUS | DIV | EQ datatype Expression = Number of int | True | False | Binary of Expression * BOp * Expression datatype ExpType = Integer | Boolean exception TypeError fun typecheck (Number(i)) = Integer | typecheck (True) = Boolean | typecheck (False) = Boolean | typecheck (Binary(e1,bop,e2)) = let val t1 = typecheck(e1) val t2 = typecheck(e2) in case (t1,bop,t2) of (Integer,PLUS,Integer) => Integer | (Integer,DIV,Integer) => Integer | (_,EQ,_) => if t1=t2 then Boolean else raise TypeError | _ => raise TypeError endAnswer the following questions:
Solution Binary(Number(1),PLUS,True)
Solution Binary(Number(1),DIV,Number(0))
declaration of Expression
by adding the
following two lines:
| Define of string * Expression * Expression | Variable of stringThe intention is that a
gives a name to a subexpression
that can be reused later, for example,
Define("x", Number(3), Binary(Variable "x", PLUS, Variable "x"))Extend the typechecker to handle the additional two cases. Write the complete code for
datatype Expression = Number of int | True | False | Binary of Expression * BOp * Expression | Define of string * Expression * Expression | Variable of string fun lookup ([],_) = raise TypeError | lookup ((s,t)::env, key) = if s=key then t else lookup(env,key) fun typecheck (Number(i),_) = Integer | typecheck (True,_) = Boolean | typecheck (False,_) = Boolean | typecheck (Binary(e1,bop,e2),env) = let val t1 = typecheck(e1,env) val t2 = typecheck(e2,env) in case (t1,bop,t2) of (Integer,PLUS,Integer) => Integer | (Integer,DIV,Integer) => Integer | (t1,EQ,t2) => if t1=t2 then Boolean else raise TypeError | _ => raise TypeError end | typecheck (Define(s,e1,e2),env) = let val t1 = typecheck (e1,env) in typecheck (e2,((s,t1)::env)) end | typecheck (Variable(s),env) = lookup(env,s)
#includeLooking at the macro#define count(N) { int i; for(i=1; i<=N; i++) { printf("%d\n", i); } } void main () { int i; for(i=0; i < 3; i++) { count(i); } }
, it appears that this macro
prints all the numbers from 1 to N inclusive. The main program calls
this macro three times as shown. What does the program print?
Solution Infinite loop printing
1 2 3 4 5 ...
If we were to change the definition of count
from a macro to
the following function, what would the program print?
void count(int N) { int i; for(i=1; i<=N; i++) { printf("%d\n", i); } }
1 1 2
statement produce?
class A { int x = 3; int f (int x) { return x+x; } } class B { int x = 4; int f (C c) { c.x = 100; c = new C(); return x; } } class C { int x = 5; } class Main { public static void main (String[] args) { int x = 6; A a = new A(); B b = new B(); C c = new C(); System.out.println(a.f(x)); // .............................. System.out.println(b.f(c)); // .............................. System.out.println(c.x); // .............................. } }
12 4 100