datatype machine = Machine of string datatype network = LAN of machine list | Connection of machine * networkWrite an ML function
that takes two arguments: a
machine and a network, checks whether the machine is part of the
network, and returns true
or false
fun lookup m [] = false | lookup m (m'::ms) = (m=m') orelse (lookup m ms) fun search m (LAN(ms)) = lookup m ms | search m (Connection(m',n)) = (m=m') orelse (search m n)
datatype bop = PLUS | DIV | EQ datatype Expression = Number of int | True | False | Binary of Expression * bop * Expression | Define of string * Expression * Expression | Variable of string datatype ExpType = Integer | Boolean exception TypeError
{P} S1 {Q} {Q} S2 {R} ------------------------ {P} S1;S2 {R} {P AND E} S {P} ------------------------------ {P} while (E) S {P AND (NOT E)Using the rules prove that: {r=p-x*y} (while (x <> 0) { r:= r+y; x=x-1; }) {r=p}
Why does the proof only establish partial correctness?
{r=p-x*y AND x<>0} r:= r+y {r=p-(x+1)*y} {r=p-(x+1)*y} x=x-1; {r=p-x*y} ------------------------------------------------------------------------- {r=p-x*y AND x<>0} r:= r+y; x=x-1; {r=p-x*y} ---------------------------------------------------------------- {r=p-x*y} (while (x <> 0) { r:= r+y; x=x-1; }) {r=p-x*y AND x=0}The proof only establishes partial correctness because it says nothing about whether the loop terminates.
let fun f (x) = x+x in f (7) end ------------------------ let fun f (x) = x+x val x = 3 in f (7) end ------------------------ let val x = 3 fun f (x) = x+x in f (7) end ------------------------ let val x = 3 fun f (y) = x+y in f (7) end ------------------------ let val x = 3 fun f (y) = x+y in let val x = 5 in f (7) end end ------------------------ let val g = let val x = 3 fun f (y) = x+y in f end in let val x = 5 in g (7) end end ------------------------ let val x = 3 fun f (y) = x+y in let val x = 4 fun g (h) = h (h (7)) in g (f) end end
Main P Q R X YIn one particular execution, the following procedures are called in the given order:
Main, X, Y, X, Y, Main, P, Q, RNone of the procedures returned yet. Draw the stack after the call to
. Your figure should include all activation records on
the stack, and for each activation record, the name of the procedure
being called, and the activation record to which the static link