datatype bop = Plus | Min | Mul | Div datatype exp = Num of int | Bin of exp * bop * exp | Dec of string * exp * exp | Var of string | Function of string * exp | Call of exp * exp | NewArray of exp * exp | ArrayIndex of exp * exp | ArrayAssign of exp * exp * expAll parameters should be passed by value. Like Java, there are two kinds of values: primitive values like integers and reference values which point to "objects" in the heap. There are two kinds of heap-allocated objects: functions and arrays. Here are some examples:
(* f = fn (x) array(x,0) // take an x and // create an array of size x initialized to zeroes a1 = f(10) // a1 is an array of size 10 initialized to zeroes a2 = f(20) // a1 is an array of size 20 initialized to zeroes x = (a2[5] = 1000) // update array a2 at index 5 with value 1000; x = 1000 y = a1[5] return y // should return 0 *) val e1 = Dec("f", Function("x", NewArray(Var("x"), Num(0))), Dec("a1", Call(Var("f"), Num(10)), Dec("a2", Call(Var("f"), Num(20)), Dec("x", ArrayAssign(Var("a2"), Num(5), Num(1000)), Dec("y", ArrayIndex(Var("a1"), Num(5)), Var("y")))))) (* f = fn (x) (fn (y) x+y) f(10)(20) // should return 30 *) val e2 = Dec("f", Function("x", Function("y", Bin(Var("x"), Plus, Var("y")))), Call(Call(Var("f"),Num(10)),Num(20))) (* f = fn (g) { x = 1 g(x) } x = 3 f (fn(y) x+y) // should return 4 *) val e3 = Dec("f", Function("g", Dec("x",Num(1),Call(Var("g"),Var("x")))), Dec("x", Num(3), Call(Var("f"), Function("y",Bin(Var("x"),Plus,Var("y"))))))
program Main let var flag := 1 var x1 := 1 function P (y1:int) : int = let var x2 := 2 function Q (y2:int) : int = let var x3 := 3 function R (y3:int) : int = if flag then (flag := 0; P(x1) + y2) else y2 in y1 + R(x3) end in x1 + Q(y1) end in P(9) end endAt run time, the program performs the following sequence of calls:
Main, P, Q, R, P, Q, R
Assuming that the general shape of an activation record is as in
the following figure:
. Your figure should include all activation records on the
stack, the values (and names for clarity) of each variable on the
stack, and the location each static link points to.
, y2
. A typical expression would look like:
where FP
is the frame pointer
and *p
fetches the contents of pointer p
as in the C language.