CIS 425 Announcements

  • My office hours on Friday Dec 3 are cancelled. Amr

  • A proposal about adding assertions to Java. Interesting reading.

  • October 19, 1999: Here is a pointer to the paper discussed in class today. The paper uses a neat hack, circumventing the C/C++ type system, to win a programming competition.

  • October 14, 1999: Grades so far are now available online .

  • October 13, 1999: It turns out that the PCs in Deschutes 100 are not publicly available. Sorry, folks: no ML for Windows.

  • October 12, 1999: We're letting it go this week, but beginning with the next homework assignment (HW3), please give us printouts of your code. Absolutely no further handwritten code will be accepted.

  • October 7, 1999: Please make sure that the SML version you are running is 110.*. The old version 0.93 won't work the same way. [The default /local/bin/sml now uses the old version; I've asked systems to change it.]

  • October 4, 1999:
                     ACM PROGRAMMING CONTEST 
                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
    Each year, UO participates in the ACM International Collegiate
    Programming Contest.  We will send two teams to the Pacific Regionals,
    to be held at Western Washington U on November 13.  Each team will
    include three students.
    Students who enjoy programming and problem-solving and would like to
    represent UO in the Contest should contact Prof Luks (156 Des,
    luks@cs) by Friday, Oct 1.
    Students can receive CIS elective credit for contest preparation via
    registration in CIS 407/507.  However, seminar registration is not
    required for participation in the Contest.

  • September 21, 1999: Both Amr and John will be out of town for the first two lectures. Professor Michal Young will teach the first two lectures. Unfortunately there will be no office hours during that first week.

    Visited times since September 21, 1999 (or the last crash).