Lab 2 -- The Memory Unit

Related Reading

2.1 The Memory Interface

The memory unit can be specified at various levels of abstraction. A hardware engineer might describe the implementation using decoders and registers. For our purposes, we maintain a high-level behavioral view of the memory unit as a collection of cells, which we can access in two different ways, either using a fetch operation that returns the contents of a cell, or a store operation that updates the contents of a cell.

In Java, the information about the memory can be neatly encapsulated in a class definition with two public methods, fetch and store. The collection of cells should be maintained internally and never revealed to memory clients. Clients are, however, allowed to know the number of memory cells, and are notified whenever a fetch or store attempts to access a non-existing cell.

We can formally state the requirement implicit in the above paragraph by providing an interface that the memory unit must implement:

public interface MemoryI {
  int DEFAULT_SIZE = 100;

  int getSize();

  Word fetch (Word a) throws MemoryE;

  void store (Word a, Word v) throws MemoryE;

The definition of the interface refers to an exception MemoryE that notifies clients of the memory whenever something goes wrong. The clients can catch the exception and then resume in any way they deem appropriate. The exception is defined in a class of its own:

public class MemoryE extends MachineE {
  public MemoryE (String message) { super(message); }

  public MemoryE (int address) {
	super("Address " + address + " is out of range");

Since many errors may occur in the machine, we also define a class MachineE and specify that a MemoryE is-a MachineE. There are two ways to create an object representing a memory exception: either by supplying a string argument explaining the cause of the error, or by supplying an offending out-of-range address.

Machine exceptions are also defined in a class of their own:

public class MachineE extends Exception {
  public MachineE () {}
  public MachineE (String s) { super(s); }

The name Exception is a built-in Java class. Any Exception object can be thrown to signal an exceptional situation, and can be later caught and examined.

2.2 Exercise

We are still working in the package duckMachine.architecture. Your job is to implement the class Memory according to the following guidelines:

For this assignment, the help files supplied to you at URL are:

Test your implementation by running the Java interpreter on the class TestMemory. A successful execution of the test program should produce the following output:

Fetch from location 34 = 0
Store Data(17) in location 34
Store Address(5000) in location 200
Fetch from location 34 = 17
Fetch from location 200 = 5000
Fetching from bad address =
duckMachine.architecture.MemoryE: Address 5000 is out of range

Turn in the code for during class on Monday, April 19th. Write the lab (day and time) that you are attending on top of your assignment in addition to your name and SS#.

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Last modified: 04/05/99 01:35:25