The memory of a computer is divided into fixed-sized units called cells. Each cell has a unique
address and can hold one machine word. A word is the unit of information in the machine. At the hardware
level, a machine word is a collection of bits with no inherent meaning: the same word can mean different things in different contexts. For example, the 8-bit word 11101111
could refer to:
'OUT 15'
, whose execution prints the contents of memory location 15
, or
, or
Dealing with bit-encodings is tedious. We will therefore abstract from the level of bits in our representation of machine words and use integers in decimal notation instead. But to benefit from the full power of Java, we encapsulate the integer representation of a word in an object:
public class Word { private int integerRep; protected Word (int integerRep) { this.integerRep = integerRep; } public int toInt() { return integerRep; } public String toString () { return String.valueOf(integerRep); } }
The encapsulated integer is declared private
; it is only accessible to the outside world via two public
methods: toInt
and toString
. The first is presumably used by clients wishing to perform arithmetic calculations
on the machine word, and the second used to display a printable representation of the machine word. The constructor that creates new
machine words is protected
which somewhat limits its access. You are encouraged to find the precise effect of the protected
qualifier from a Java reference.
As discussed above, there are several kinds of machine words: address, data, and instructions. These special kinds
of words extend the behavior of generic words, and hence are naturally encoded using subclass of Word
We defer discussion of the classes Address
and Instruction
until a later point. The class Data
is defined as follows:
public class Data extends Word { public Data (int value) { super(value); } }
The declaration extends Word
means that every possible operation on a Word
object is
also possible on a Data
object. In particular, Data
objects can respond to the methods toInt
and toString
. The constructor for each object uses super
to call the constructor of the superclass, i.e.,
the constructor for Word
The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (which is usually referred to as the ALU)
is the subsystem that performs operations such as addition (add
), subtraction (sub
incrementing (inc
decrementing (dec
), and comparison (compare
The arithmetic operations have the usual meaning. The comparison
operation takes two machine words and sets indicators based on their relative values. The ALU contains three condition
codes that serve as indicators: GT, EQ, and LT, which stand for greater than, equal to, and less than, respectively.
The operation compare(x,y)
returns no value but sets the condition codes as follows:
x > y GT=true EQ=false LT=false x = y GT=false EQ=true LT=false x < y GT=false EQ=false LT=true
Abstractly speaking, the ALU is just an object with methods add, sub, inc, dec,
and compare
that implement the required operations, as well as three methods to read the contents of the condition codes. This analysis is
formalized in the following interface for the ALU:
public interface ALUI { boolean fetchGT (); boolean fetchEQ (); boolean fetchLT (); Word add (Word w1, Word w2); Word sub (Word w1, Word w2); Word inc (Word w); Word dec (Word w); void compare (Word w1, Word w2); }
The implementation of the interface ALUI
is almost straightforward.
For example, add
can be implemented as follows:
public Word add (Word w1, Word w2) { int i1 = w1.toInt(); int i2 = w2.toInt(); return new Data (i1+i2); }
In other words, we use Java's built-in operator + to implement addition in our machine. This is sensible but may not have the desired behavior in some situations.
The problem is that Java's + is not really the mathematical function +. In mathematics, we have:
2000000000 + 2000000000 = 4000000000
but in Java we have:
2000000000 + 2000000000 = -294967296
because Java specifies that an int
is allocated exactly 32-bits in the Java
virtual machine.
Thus if we want to simulate a hardware machine with words bigger than 32-bits,
we cannot use Java's int
and its associated operations to implement the machine's
arithmetic operations. Fortunately, Java provides other datatypes with the
right functionality. For example, we can use the long
datatype or the
bignum package for this purpose.
The important point to stress here is that one must be aware of the programming language conventions regarding arithmetic before using them.
Create a new directory duckMachine
that will contain the
entire implementation of the machine. In this directory, create another
directory architecture
that will contain the Java package
that implements the architecture of the machine. We will later implement
other packages, e.g.,a graphical user interface for the machine.
Your job is to write a class ALU
that implements the interface
. You can use Java's arithmetic operations on integers
to implement the ALU's operations but please document the decision.
You can find some help files at the URL:
For this assignment, the help files supplied to you are:
which contains the ALU interface,
which represent machine words
and data respectively, and
which contains a small program to test your code.
The following notes on compiling and executing your Java programs
assumes that you have stored them in some duckMachine/architecture/
To compile:
Move to the same level of your directory structure as the duckMachine sub-directory before issuing the compile command. For example, suppose you have stored your java programs in the following directory:
Then to compile correctly, you must first move to the c:\cis211
directory before issuing the command:
javac duckMachine\architecture\*.javaRemember, if you're working in Unix, the \'s go the other way, e.g.,
javac duckMachine/architecture/*.java
To execute:
From the same level of the directory structure as you compiled from, issue the command:
java duckMachine.architecture.TestALU
Test your implementation by running the Java interpreter on the class
. A successful execution of the test program should
produce the following output:
1+9 = 10 9-4 = 5 inc 8 = 9 dec 8 = 7 compare 9 and 1 GT flag = true EQ flag = false LT flag = false compare 9 and 9 GT flag = false EQ flag = true LT flag = false compare 9 and 10 GT flag = false EQ flag = false LT flag = true
Turn in the code for
during class on Monday,
April 12th. Write the lab (day and time) that you are attending on top
of your assignment in addition to your name and SS#.
Last modified: 03/31/99 09:24:25