Lab 0

In general, the labs will consist of writing components that fit together to provide a model of a small hardware machine. The purpose of this first lab is threefold:

The Duck Machine

There is nothing to turn for this part of the lab. Just follow the following steps to familiarize yourself with the machine. If you have a computer at home, download the machine to your home computer.

CIS 210 Review

Recall the class java.lang.String from CIS 210. Implement a simplified version of that class called SimpleString which includes a constructor of your choice and the following methods:
public int length ()
public int indexOf (int ch)
public int lastIndexOf (int ch)
public String replace (char oldChar, char newChar)
public String trim ()
public String toString ()
The documentation of the methods is available through the standard Java API. Turn in the code for this part of the lab during class on Monday April 5. Write the lab (day and time) that you are attending on top of your assignment in addition to your name and SS#.

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