Anwar's hours have changed. His new hours are W 4-6, F 3-5 in
If we have taken too many points off your homework 5 for style,
please come see one of us (Yolanda, Tobias, or Amr) to get back some
of these points.
Quiz 2 will be on Monday May 17 during class. The quiz will cover
the following topics:
Polymorphism: Read and understand pp.315-325 of the book
very carefully.
Visitors and the visitor pattern. Read and understand the following
examples; make your own examples.
Assembly language of the duckMachine and its execution. Make sure
you are comfortable with the recent homeworks on defining
instructions, executing instructions, and writing and executing programs.
I just finished grading the midterm. The grades should be online
by tomorrow morning (May 5). Here is the distribution:
Range Number of students
100-109 10
90-99 12
80-89 14
70-79 10
60-69 5
50-59 4
40-49 1
Total 56
Students with a grade less than 59 should talk to me or to their GTF
about their status in the CIS major.
Anwar (see previous announcement) will be a little late this
Wednesday. He should be in the lab at 3:30 PM.
We have arranged for additional help about Java. Anwar Adi, a CIS
student with experience in Java, C, and C++, will be available in the
lab in front of B26 (B15) on Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 to
5:00 PM. Anwar is there to help you with Java specific questions, not
with your homework. Feel free to ask him for help or set up
appointments by sending email to anwar@cs or finding him in the lab at
the posted times. Please let me know (sabry@cs) how this is working,
whether you need more hours, different hours, etc.
Amr won't be available for office hours this Wednesday April 21,
I found this
interesting article about the design of Java and some discussion
about future plans in growing Java. The article was written by Guy
Steele, a name you should know if you are serious about computer
Don't forget to put your name, social-security number, and the
lab (day and time) that you're attending at the top of each lab
times since March 23, 1999 (or the last crash).