Both Netscape and C++ are installed on each Mac's hard disk in B26. Simply open the disk's window, and start C++ (or Netscape); no login is required.
C++ program files (a.k.a. source files) described in the Roberge text are available on the 210 Course Disk. To access this disk, choose Course Disks on the Apple menu. You may then use the File Open... command in C++ to access the source files in the 210:F96 folder.
When you use the Powermacs in B13, be sure to run "Symantec C++ for the Macintosh", and not "Symantec C++ for the Powermac" (as a PowerMac C++ Project cannot be opened with "C++ for the Macintosh"). Source files created with PowerMac C++ can be opened from your diskette in B26 (i.e., with "plain" C++), but Projects cannot. The easiest way to keep this straight: run only Symantec C++ for the Macintosh, regardless of what kind of Mac you are using.
If the correct C++ is not on the hard disk of a PowerMac in B13:
choose Klamath Software from the Apple menu, and scroll the Software folder until you find "Symantec C++ for the Macintosh". Double click the Project Manager icon to start C++.
If Netscape is not on a hard disk, you may mount Software Disk from the apple menu, and find it there.
You will not be using main.cp for Lab 1. Instead, you'll open a source file (i.e., program file) from the 210 course disk.
Follow these steps:
a) choose File Open... in C++, and open the file on the 210 course disk
(e.g., cppstory.cpp).
b) Choose File Save As... and save the program file to your diskette.
c) Remove main.cp from your C++ Project: first, select main.cp in the
Project window (by clicking once), then choose Source Remove.
d) Add cppstory.cpp to your Project: Select the cppstory.cpp window
(by clicking in the window), then choose Source Add:cppstory.cpp.
Note: Step 6, p. 10, of Lab 1 asks you to save your cppstory.cpp program under a new name, mystory.cpp.
You must then remove the old cppstory.cpp file from your project and add the new file to the project. Use the Source Remove and Source Add:mystory.cpp commands to do this.
Good Luck/Have Fun/Ask Questions in Class!
Time stamp: 16:30, 9/30