How to debug with the C++ debugger

A debugger is an application program that monitors how programs run. It is a tool to help us find bugs in your executable programs. In particular, it can tell us how your program flows (i.e., it can "hand"-trace your codes step by step for you), and it can tell us intermediate values of variables. You can also specify the debugger to let your program stop at certain points (called breakpoints) so that you can stop and think what goes wrong in the middle of execution.

To me, a debugger is the last thing I want to use. It is always best to write a program with no bugs to start with. No kidding. Bugs can be found without any use of debuggers. Your brain is the best debugger available. However, a debugger is a nice tool, especially when you are writing a very large program.

I. Before you start

You must first compile your program before you start, and have your compiled program ready to run. A debugger is not a tool to find syntax errors. If your program haven't got successfully compiled, you are not ready to run your program with the debugger yet.

II. Turning on the debugger

First, have your project window open with your C++ codes. To start, turn on the debugger by choosing Use Debugger command from the Project menu. A little bug appears in your project window. Choose Run from the Project menu to let THINK C++ generate debugging tables. You now have two additional windows popped up at the bottom of your screen.
  1. Data window is used to examine and set the values of your variables.
  2. Source window contains the source text of your program.

III. Watching the program run

The Source window

The top of the Source window has a six button status panel. These buttons control the execution of your program. The black arrow to the left is the current statement arrow, which shows the statement the debugger is about to execute.

Stepping through statements and functions

Clicking on the Step button lets you execute your program line by line. The In command executes every statement until it falls into a function. On the other hand, the Out command executes every statement until it reaches the end of the current function. Clicking the Trace button takes you to the next statement even if it has to step into a function. Stepping, on the other hand, never dives into a function.

Setting a breakpoint

A breakpoint is a marker you can set in your program so that execution stops when it reaches the marker. If you click on a hollow diamond in the leftmost column in the Source window, it turns black to indicate that you've set a breakpoint there. You can set as many breakpoints as you may like this way. To remove a breakpoint, just click in the filled diamond. To remove all breakpoints, choose Clear All Breakpoints command in the Source menu. To start execution, press the Go button. The program runs for a few moments and then stops. The current statement arrow is at your breakpoint.

Stopping the program

To stop your program, click on the Stop button. If your program is stuck in a loop, you can use the panic button to stop.

IV. Examining and setting variables

Tracing your program's execution lets you see what your program is doing. But to really fix bugs, you need to be able to examine your variables. That's what the Data window is for.

The Data window

Expressions you type into the entry field appear in the left column when you press the enter button (check mark) or when you press the Return key. If you change your mind and don't want to enter an expression, press the deselect button (X mark). To clear an expression in the Data window, select it and choose Clear from the Edit menu.

Examining variables

Suppose you want to watch the value of the k variable in your program. Click in the Data window, and you will see the insertion point blinking in the entry field. Type k in the entry field and press the Return key. Then click on Go button, and you will see the value(s) of k. If you have a breakpoint set, then execution stops at the breakpoint with the current value of k shown.

Changing the value of a variable

To change the value of a variable, click on its value in the Data window and type a new one in the entry field. When you click on the enter button (check mark), the value of the variable changes.

V. Quitting the debugger

The best way to quit the debugger is to quit your application. You should use the ExitToShell command in the debugger's Debug menu only when you can't use your application's Quit command.

Takunari Miyazaki
Office: 230 Deschutes Hall
Phone: (503) 346-1383

October 18, 1995