A. Appel, Modern Compiler Implementation in ML. Preliminary edition (Chapters 1-3) CIS 461/561 Packet. Full edition to be published by Cambridge University Press sometime in early 1997.
J. Ullman, Elements of ML Programming, Prentice Hall.
The Standard ML Basis Library, http://www.research.att.com/~jhr/sml/basis/sml-std-basis.html
The ML-Lex Manual, /local/apps/sml/doc/lex-manual.ps
The ML-Yacc Manual, /local/apps/sml/doc/yacc-manual.ps
The Compilation Manager Manual, /local/apps/sml/doc/cm-manual.ps
Notes on the SPARC assembly language, SPARC.txt
There will be about 6 programming assignments that constitute a compiler project. These assignments are described in Modern Compiler Implementation in ML chapters 1-9. The due dates for the assignments are firm: there will be no extensions.
You can get help with the assignments by sending me mail or coming to my office. Ask for help when you need it!
You are encouraged to work on the assignments in groups of 2. (You may work by yourself if you prefer.) You are also encouraged to discuss the programming assignments with your friends. However, do not, under any circumstances, copy somebody else's code.
The directory /cs/classes/cis461/wi97
contains source code
useful for the programming assignments. Copy whatever files you need
from there. Also look at the web page
) for announcements.
Tentative Schedule