setenv PATH /local/apps/jdk/bin:$PATH setenv JAVA_HOME /local/apps/jdk/ setenv CLASSPATH .:/local/apps/Java:/local/apps/Java/CUP:/local/apps/jdk/lib/classes.zip
Clarification:On p.527, third line:
\^c The control character c, for any appropriate c. \ddd The single character with ASCII code ddd (3 decimal digits)In the first line, the appropriate control characters are the ones in the range [64,95] inclusive. In the second line, the ASCII code must be in the range [0,255] inclusive.
Tiger.lexand any documentation or test files you want by running the following command from your working directory:
> /cs/classes/cis461/submit Tiger.lex ...If you change your mind, you can delete submitted files by running:
> /cs/classes/cis461/usubmit file1 file2 ...The "submit" and "usubmit" commands do not accept directory arguments.