Understanding Labels (Extra Credit!)

Simple Labels and Goto

In a language with goto, the target of a jump is typically specified by a label.
L: ... // this statement is labeled L
goto L; // this causes the control flow to go to the statement labeled L
In the absense of nested scopes, labels and jumps are simple. In general they are a bit subtle. To see the problem consider the following C program:
#include < stdio.h >

void main () {
  int flag = 0;
    int i=1;
  L: printf ("i = %d\n", i);
    if (flag) return; 
    else { 
      int i = 2;
      printf ("i = %d\n", i);
      flag = 1;
      goto L;
Executing the second statement labeled L, prints i=1, then: we enter a new block, declare a new variable called i, print i=2, and jump back to the outer scope to print i. But which i? Note that the C compiler managed to restore the correct environment during the jump so that last printf statements prints i=1!


The C library routines setjmp and longjmp generalize labels and goto in the following sense. A setjmp is a like a label and a longjmp is like a goto, but unlike basic labels and gotos, setjmp and longjmp work across functions and can communicate values during the jump. Here is an example,
#include < stdio.h >
#include < setjmp.h >

 buffer used for communicating results from the point 
 we are jumping from to the point we are jumping to
jmp_buf k; 

 a silly function that performs a few recursive calls, and then jumps
 to the point labeled with setjmp (which is in main)
int f (int i) {
  if (i == 0) longjmp(k, 42);
  else return i*f(i-1);

void main () {
   the setjmp does two things: 
   1. it returns 0 
   2. it sets a label to which a longjmp can later jump
  int result = setjmp(k);
  switch (result) {
  case 0: f(5); break; // normal execution goes here
  default: printf("f(5) = %d\n", result); break; // we get here by longjmp 
The program prints 42.