Assignment 3

The files for this assignment can be found in h3.tar. Download this file and extract the files. (They will be extracted to a directory called h3)

Here is a new and improved Makefile by John Ratcliff.

Commands to extract, compile, and run are the same as for the previous assignment.


The relevant files for the assignment are:

This program will evaluate simple Scheme expressions. As in the previous assignment, your code will start with the output of the parser. See for the type information of these expressions. Currently, contains most of the code needed to evaluate the expressions, with only a few cases left to be done.

The interface file, interpret.mli, gives the types of the procedures used in

For this assignment, you should do the following.

Some solutions for implementing letrec require a small change to the interface file interp.mli. Feel free to use modify the interface in that case.


Turn in the file on the electronic submission page.