Reversible and Quantum Computing
For a computer scientist, the interest in reversible and quantum computing
can be summarized in the following thesis:
The discipline of computer science is founded on the "wrong
worldview," a worldview that is fundamentally at odds with physical
More than thirty years ago, Toffoli (1980) stated the following:
Mathematical models of computation are abstract constructions, by their
nature unfettered by physical laws. However, if these models are to give
indications that are relevant to concrete computing, they must somehow
capture, albeit in a selective and stylized way, certain general physical
restrictions to which all concrete computing processes are subjected.
More recently, Girard (2007) states:
In other terms, what is so good in logic that quantum physics should obey?
Can't we imagine that our conceptions about logic are wrong, so wrong that
they are unable to cope with the quantum miracle? ... Instead of teaching
logic to nature, it is more reasonable to learn from her. Instead of
interpreting quantum into logic, we shall interpret logic into quantum.
There is a growing research programme that accepts the quantum reality as
foundational and investigates its consequences. This class is an introduction
to this growing and exciting research area.
Office hours
Amr: 9am-12pm Wednesdays and by appointment.
Schedule of Talks
Feb. 3: Rebecca: Functional Quantum Programming (Mu and Bird)
Feb. 8: Adam: Shor in Haskell: the Quantum IO Monad (Alexander S. Green
and Thorsten Altenkirch)
Feb. 10: Mike: Thermodynamics (Maxwell, Landauer, Bennett)
Feb. 15: Devarshi: Linear Logic (Wadler)
Mar 1: Hongyan: An injective language for reversible computation
(Shin-Cheng Mu, Zhenjiang Hu, and Masato Takeichi)
Mar 3: JP: Hilbert spaces
Mar 8: Eran: Time and space complexity
Mar 10: Will: Reversible Logic (Toffoli)
Eric: Categorical Quantum Mechanics (Abramsky and Coecke)
Jason: Quantum Lambda Calculus (Selinger and Valiron)
Josh: Linear Logic (Girard)
Background Reading
- Logical
Reversibility of Computation, Charles H. Bennett.
- Notes
on Landauer's Principle, Reversible Computation, and Maxwell's Demon,
Charles H. Bennett.
- Notes on the History of Reversible Computation, Charles H. Bennett.
- Conservative Logic, Edward Fredkin and Tommaso Toffoli.
- Reversible
Computing, Tommaso Toffoli.
- Linear Logic, Jean-Yves Girard.
- Linear Logic: Its Syntax and Semantics, Jean-Yves Girard.
- A
Syntax for Linear Logic, Philip Wadler.
Advanced Material
- Linear Logic
and Permutation Stacks-- The Forth Shall Be First, Henry G. Baker.
Fortune --- The Thermodynamics of Garbage Collection, Henry G. Baker.
- From Reversible
to Irreversible Computations, Alexander S. Green and Thorsten Altenkirch.
- Logical
Reversibility, Paolo Zuliani
- Using
Forth in an Investigation into Reversible Computation, Bill Stoddart.
- An
Injective Language for Reversible Computation, Shin-Cheng Mu, Zhenjiang
Hu, and Masato Takeichi.
- Reversible
Simulation of Irreversible Computation, Ming Li, John Tromp, and Paul
- Time and Space Bounds
for Reversible Simulation, Harry Buhrman, John Tromp, and Paul Vitanyi.
- Quantum
Theory, the Church-Turing Principle, and the Universal Quantum Computer,
David Deutsch.
- Functional
Quantum Programming, Shin-Cheng Mu and Richard Bird.
- A
Functional Quantum Programming Language, Jonathan J. Grattage.
- Quantum
Lambda Calculus, Peter Selinger and Benoit Valiron.
- A
Lambda Calculus for Quantum Computation with Classical Control, Peter
Selinger and Benoit Valiron.
- Shor in Haskell:
The Quantum IO Monad, Alexander S. Green and Thorsten Altenkirch.
- Structuring
Quantum Effects: Superoperators as Arrows, Juliana K. Vizzotto, Thorsten
Altenkirch, and Amr Sabry.
- A Categorical Semantics
of Quantum Protocols, Samson Abramsky and Bob Coecke.
- Types
for Quantum Computing, Ross Duncan.
Optional Material
- Program
Inversion, Edsger W. Dijkstra.
- Linear
Programs in a Simple Reversible Language, Armando B. Matos.
- Principles
of a Reversible Programming Language, Tetsuo Yokoyama, Holger Bock
Axelsen, and Robert Gluck.
- Revisiting
an Automatic Program Inverter for Lisp, Robert Gluck and Masahiko Kawabe.
- Reversible
Computation and Reversible Programming Languages, Tetsuo Yokoyama.
- Running
Programs Backwards: the Logical Inversion of Imperative, Brian J. Ross.
- A
Reversible SE(M)CD Machine, Werner Kluge.
- A Logically
Reversible Evaluator for the Call-by-name Lambda Calculus, Lorenz
- There
and Back Again: Arrows for Invertible Programming, Artem Alimarine, Sjaak
Smetsers, Arjen van Weelden, Marko van Eekelen, and Rinus Plasmeijer.
- Reversible
Communicating Concurrent Systems, Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine.
- General
Reversibility, Vincent Danos, Jean Krivine, and Pawel Sobocinski.
- Formal
Molecular Biology done in CCS-R, Vincent Danos and Jean Krivine.
- A
Structural Approach to Reversible Computation, Samson Abramsky.
- Reversible
Combinatory Logic, Alessandra Di Pierro, Chris Hankin, and Herbert
- Quantum Computation by
Adiabatic Evolution, Edward Farhi, Jeffrey Goldstone, Sam Gutmann, and
Michael Sipser.
- Physics, Topology, Logic and
Computation: A Rosetta Stone, John C. Baez and Mike Stay.
- Universality
Issues in Reversible Computing Systems and Cellular Automata, Kenichi
- Boomerang:
Resourceful Lenses for String Data, Aaron Bohannon, J. Nathan Foster,
Benjamin C. Pierce, Alexandre Pilkiewicz, and Alan Schmitt.
Amr Sabry