
Project Ideas

Everyone taking the class for credit is expected to individually complete one of these projects before the end of the term:


Date Topic Presenter
11 Jan Introduction
13 Jan What is a web service? Adam
18 Jan The Essence of XML
20 Jan No class
25 Jan Type theory: subtyping, polymorphism
27 Jan Parametric Polymorphism for XML, XDuce
1 Feb No class
3 Feb No class
8 Feb SOAP Joseph
10 Feb WSDL Satoshi
15 Feb Security primitives Sid
17 Feb Security primitives (continued) Sid
22 Feb The Spi calculus
24 Feb Security: Overview and experience Liang and Alek
1 Mar Tools demo: ProVerif and Samoa Chun-Yu
3 Mar Observational Equivalence; Bisimilarity
8 Mar Validating a web service security abstraction by typing Corey
10 Mar
15 Mar Spring break
17 Mar Spring break
22 Mar Discussion of final projects
24 Mar Compiling web services to the spi-calculus
29 Mar The breaking of SHA1 Nathan
31 Mar Hoare logic Gate
5 Apr Hoare logic
7 Apr TLS and Isabelle
12 Apr Modeling Services in the spi-calculus
14 Apr WS-Security Policies Wei
19 Apr SXML Chris
21 Apr Modeling Services in the spi-calculus Adam
26 Apr Ahmet and Ali
28 Apr

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