One of our projects is to help
develop the first library for the town of Bungoma. About 3000 books
have already been sent to Bungoma. More are needed. Here are some
guidelines from `Books for Africa' ( on
what kind of materials are worth sending there (considering the
significant shipping costs). RP
A. Physical Condition Books should be new or barely
used, complete, clean and durable. In other words, do not
donate a book if it is:
soiled or torn in any way
defaced by highlighting or other writing
poorly bound
marred by missing pages or serious misprints
B. Age Depending on the type of book, age can be an important
factor in the evaluation process:
Atlases should not be more than five years old since earlier editions
may not reflect the recent name changes of some countries.
Encyclopedias should be the most current edition. They are usually
only reprinted every eight years. Older editions can be seriously
out of date.
Educational textbooks, especially in the fields of medicine, science,
social science and the humanities should be current or no older
than eight years.
C. Content If a book has passed the previous two criteria, the
content is examined. This is the most difficult area to screen since it
requires sensitivity to the values of potential recipients. In
evaluating the content, one should pay attention to the following:
D. Magazines. BFA accepts ONLY National Geographic magazines
published 1980 and after.
Reprinted from the Books For Africa web page (