A Dependency Grammar for Amharic

Michael Gasser

knowledge in different languages

LR & HLT for Semitic Languages
LREC 2010
Valletta, Malta
17 May, 2010



Dependency grammar

Extensible Dependency Grammar (Debusmann, 2006)

XDG: principles and constraints (1)

XDG: principles and constraints (2)

Parsing with XDG

  • Lexicalization: assigning entries to nodes
  • Creation of variables and
    instantiation of constraints
  • Constraint satisfaction
English parse 0 English parse 1

Amharic morphosyntax: verb morphology

  • Verb: stem and up to 4 prefixes and 4 suffixes
  • Stem: root and template
  • Template represents tense/aspect/mood (TAM)
    and one of a set of 8 derivational categories
  • Affixes represent subject and object agreement,
    negation, relativization, definiteness, (accusative) case,
    prepositions, conjunctions
  • Lexeme: root + derivational category
  • Null subjects and null objects
am morpho

Amharic morphosyntax: noun phrases

Amharic morphosyntax: relative clauses (1)

Amharic morphosyntax: relative clauses (2)

XDG for Amharic: incorporating morphology

Parsing Amharic with XDG

  • Morphological analysis
  • Lexicalization: assigning lexemes and
    grammatical entries to nodes
  • Creation of variables and
    instantiation of constraints
  • Constraint satisfaction
Amharic parse 0 Amharic parse 1 Amharic parse 2

XDG for Amharic: null subjects and objects (1)

XDG for Amharic: null subjects and objects (2)

XDG for Amharic: subject and object agreement (1)

XDG for Amharic: subject and object agreement (2)

XDG for Amharic: subject and object agreement (3)

XDG for Amharic: relative clauses (1)

XDG for Amharic: relative clauses (2)

XDG for Amharic: relative clauses (3)

XDG for Amharic: relative clauses (4)


Thank you!