Areas of interest for this SIG:
  • Gaming/Hackathons
  • Informal Learning (short films, comics, movie/book reviews, SF, gaming)
  • Curriculum & Instruction (for College and HS but also middle school, professional programs, etc.)
  • Science Fairs
  • Online Repos (info, teaching aids, etc.)
  • Apprenticeship Programs
  • Reskilling/Retraining of Existing Workforce

We're now looking for a chair and up to seven vice-chairs for this SIG.

As of June 13, 2021, the Education SIG of the QED-C Workforce Development TAC has the following composition:

Accenture Carl Dukatz
Virtual Broadcasting Information Center (VBIC) Olaf Cames
Quantum Computing Report Doug Finke (as of June 14, chair of this SIG)
Keysight Roger Stancliff
ANSYS Mike Hancock
IBM Rajeev Malik
Montana Instruments Craig Dunham
Pittsburgh Quantum Institute (PQI) Jennifer Stein
George Mason University Patrick Vora, Jessica Rosenberg
Virginia Tech Eddie Barnes, Sophia Economou
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Terril Fratnz
Lehigh University Tamas Terlaki
Bridgewater State University Samuel Serna
University of Chicago / Chicago Quantum Exchange Diana Franklin
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Diedra Livingston
Nobody from AFRL, DOE, EPB, NIST, OSTP, etc. signed up for this SIG as of yet
National Labs
Fermi Ciaran Hughes
Mitre Corporation Yaakov Weinstein
Sandia National Labs David Kistin, Jake Douglass, Mary Monson
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) Faith Dukes, Adity Chakravarty, Kelly Johnson, Kristin Balder-Froid
American Physical Society (APS) Dan Pisano