Here's where the Q2E is most recently discussed (first seven minutes):
Here's a screenshot:
The X-TAC chairs and vice-chairs met and discussed on Wed Jun 9 and essentially gave their blessing on Q2E.

They mentioned three things/aspects that we should be sure to address via Q2E at Q2B 2021:

  • address both instruction via outreach (cross campus as well as community colleges, HS, middle school) and via re-skilling of existing workforce (professional certificates, online micro-masters (like Purdue has), accelerated masters, etc.)
  • include a panel (Q&A, AMA type of discussion) with wide industry representation and with ample time for debate/argumentation at the end (don't rely on just traditional presentations) and
  • make sure Q2E results in some actionable items for QED-C (to benefit its members)