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Selected clips from NKS 2003 (the very first conference) have graciously been made available to us by Jeff Grote (jeffgrote.com):

Also courtesy Jeff Grote: materials from the 2007 Burlington, VT, conference.


Dec 15

NKS 2006 (the international Wolfram Science conference) has been announced.

The will be held June 16-18 in Washington, DC.


Dec 14 Two versions of Stephen Wolfram's keynote videoconference address
keynote address
(two versions have been prepared: one for broadband, and one for modem)
These are new conversions from the original tapes, and they should be without a flaw.


Dec 7

The four videos will soon be re-converted to fix a few existing problems. Says Victor: "I found the problem with the Wolfram video. For some unknown reason, the audio in the missing sections did not copy to the MPEG format when we were converting from the original Premiere timeline. My spot checks of the MPEG version missed the missing audio sections. My apologies. [...] Will go ahead and create RealMedia versions of all keynotes, first of Lecture 3, at no charge of course, and then of the other three. [...]"

Dec 6 The second group of keynotes has been converted:

(introduced by Anthony Martin)

(The Youthful Dreams of NKS, introduced by Jason Cawley)

Stephen Wolfram's videoconference was a very interactive and extremely exciting event that lasted three hours and ten minutes. Only the first two hours can be viewed above. Todd Rowland's keynote is 58 minutes long and is available in its entirety through the posted link.

Stephen Wolfram's video might remind the viewer about the 1979 QED Richard Feynman video taped at the Univ. of Auckland, in New Zealand because by some surprising and hard to explain coincidence the audio is dropped (at least in the converted .rm file) for a somewhat long period of time 20 minutes into the video (and then again for a short period of time later on) although everything was perfect at the time of the conference. So we're looking into what may have caused this and how to best remedy it as quickly as possible.

Nov 30 Two keynotes have been converted already:

(Distinguished Invited Lecture)

(What is the NKS Approach to Mathematics?)
In Matthew Szudzik's talk the visual for the least upper bound should read as follows.

The other two are forthcoming, while we're testing how these two are being delivered.

Thus we'd greatly appreciate if you could let us know how they play for you.

Nov 21

From Victor Root (PhotoSolutions) this brief report, indicating that the conversion of the keynote talks is almost done: "Hi Adrian, [...] All the editing on the four lectures has been completed. Two have already been transferred to the final (MPEG1) format which Kurt requested. I will be be transferring the final four MPEGs to DVD and will let you know when they are ready to pick up (probably by Wednesday this week). Thanks again. [...] Best, Victor" So very likely next time we write here it would be to point you to the video recordings.

Nov 11

The four video recordings of

  • 's inaugural talk,
  • Prof. 's lecture,
  • 's interactive video-address and
  • 's closing keynote address

are being converted now to a suitable web format and should be available online in a week or so. Kurt Stailey is setting up the departmental streaming video server that will host the four keynote video recordings.

Nov 4

The conference is over now. Everything went very well. Enrique Zeleny's presentation in the second day had to be canceled, for minor technical reasons. Also the scheduled round table on the relative significance of positional number systems with negative digits had to be canceled as well, since Stephen's videoconference ended at 11:25pm our time, and there was no time left for another session. The videoconference went very well, as went the rest of the conference. Many thanks to all that participated and let's stay in touch.

Oct 31

Pictures from the second day of the conference.

Meanwhile pictures from the first day are still here.

Oct 30

All keynote talks will be made available on the web in video format in three weeks' time.

Camera broke Saturday night, but the pictures from the second day are safe. They will be posted shortly. Meanwhile here's a picture of Eric Rowland with the cover of the 2004 conference binder and his presentation notebooks from Friday night (one, two).

Oct 29

Today's highlights:
When Where What Who
12:30-14:00 IMU Frangipani Extended Analog Computers Prof. Jonathan Mills
16:00-18:00 IMU Dogwood Distinguished Lecture Prof. Ray J. Solomonoff
20:15-23:25 IMU Frangipani Videointeraction with Stephen Wolfram

Oct 28

Here are some pictures from the first day of the conference.

Everything is ready, the Conference starts today with Matthew Szudzik's talk at 4pm.

Oct 27


Later today Matthew Szudzik and Todd Rowland are expected to arrive.

Dag Sørebø is now in Bloomington. The conference starts tomorrow.

Oct 26

Maps and coordinates, for our distinguished guests:

Oct 21
"And there's really a lot that can be done in pure NKS with existing mathematical methods. And we're counting on mathematicians to get involved." (Stephen Wolfram, in A New Kind of Science and the Future of Mathematics, the transcript of which can be found in the talks and videos section of the Publications page of www.stephenwolfram.com)
Oct 17 The first keynote of the conference is now cross-listed with the Informatics Colloquia.
Oct 15 We have an absolutely fabulous array of keynote presentations.
Oct 12

Paul Jean Letourneau kindly agrees to give an invited presentation to the conference:

"Cellular Automata with Memory: Phenomena and Emulations"

Oct 7

A tentative program outline has now been posted (includes presentations scheduled times).

Oct 1

Most recent NKSWire includes an announcement about the 2005 Midwest NKS Conference.

Sep 28

The Computer Science Department announces the conference on the departmental website. The 2005 Midwest NKS Conference is now only a month away.

Sep 22 To match the deadline for submission of papers early registration now ends October 10.
Sep 15 Names of presenters are now being added to the conference program.
Sep 7

Matthew Frank (the struggle) graciously accepts our invitation to the conference.

He will present: An NKS Approach to the Black-Scholes Equation.

Sep 2

IU School of Informatics issues a press release announcing the conference.

Aug 20-23

Dates updated on the timeline page, conference program sketched.

Shane Johnson wins the open contest for the conference poster.

Aug 12-15

The following invited talks have been confirmed:

Jason Cawley
Wolfram Science Markov Machines
Eric Rowland
Rutgers Univ. The Right Side of Rule 30
Kovas Boguta
Wolfram Science Nested Recursive Functions
Brenton Bostick
Wolfram Science The 3n+1 Problem: Variations on a Theme
Ed Pegg Jr.
Wolfram Science Demoscene: Making Movies from Simple Programs
Aug 5-10

An open submission contest is under way to create a conference poster that can be used to advertise the conference by regular mail. Here's a mock-up of what it might look like.

July 31

A partial list of confirmed invited speakers has been compiled.

It can be found in the Call for Papers and Advisory Committee section.

July 23

We're thrilled to report that we have received confirmation for the following keynote talk:

Stephen Wolfram

Dr. Wolfram will be delivering his keynote via videoconference.

This videoaddress made possible by the expert technical assistance of Mr. Roger Dooley from Wolfram Research and by that of Mr. Steven Egyhazi of Indiana University UITS.

July 20

Papers and notebooks can now be submitted for review (see above).

July 16
Founder of algorithmic probability theory and the universal theory of inductive inference,

Prof. Ray Solomonoff

(here also in an NKS 2003 photo along Gregory J. Chaitin)

has generously agreed to give a Distinguished Invited Lecture to our conference.
July 15 Early registration has started.
July 2

From Norway, formerly with the Univ. of Bergen, Dag Sørebø (Norsk Sikkerhetsinstitutt) has kindly agreed to join the conference advisory committee.

June 29

With warmest gratitude we welcome a new conference sponsor:

June 27

The web forum is now protected with this simple combination: (midwest/conference).

June 26

Early registration will start on July 15 (ending on Sept. 30, when late registration starts).
Registration fees for this conference have been determined as follows:

  Student Rate Professional Rate
Early Registration Fee
Late Registration Fee
June 22

Our most heartfelt thanks go to a new conference sponsor:

June 20

We gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions of our first external sponsors:

June 16

An account has been established for our conference by the the IU Conferences Office and is now active. Departments, programs, centers or individuals that entertain the idea of contributing as sponsors to this conference in exchange for proper recognition on the website (and in the conference proceedings) should contact Ms. Mary Morgan in the office for the specific functional details having to do with the transfer of funds.

June 14

Have generously confirmed participation on the conference advisory committee:

Prof. Alessandro Flammini Indiana University (School of Informatics)
Brenton Bostick Wolfram Science Group
June 13

Prof. Bahman Kalantari (Rutgers Univesity) joins the conference advisory committee.

June 12

Prof. Gautam Dasgupta (Columbia Univesity) joins the conference advisory committee.

June 7

Have kindly confirmed participation on the conference advisory committee:

Prof. Dirk Van Gucht Indiana University (Computer Science)
George E. Danner Industrial Science LLC (Houston, TX)
June 6

Have generously agreed to participate on the advisory committee:

Kovas Boguta Wolfram Science Group
Ed Pegg Jr. Wolfram Science Group and MAA Online
June 4
Prof. Richard J. Gaylord (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Prof. Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering) joins the advisory committee.
June 2

The existing web forum works perfectly well but we plan to set up a much better one, based on Sakai (v2.0) in a few weeks to allow for customized workspaces. The new forum will also allow the posting of materials by conference presenters (notebooks, pdfs, etc.)

May 31

Prof. Jonathan Mills (Indiana University Computer Science) joins the advisory committee.

May 30

Prof. Christian Jacob (University of Calgary) joins the advisory committee.

May 26

Have kindly agreed to join the conference's advisory committee:

Prof. Alfred Hubler University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Paul-Jean Letourneau University of Calgary

Conference announced on NKSwire today (text of announcement).

The main www.wolframscience.com also links to us now (see link below NKS on-line).

May 25

Text of conference announcement posted today on the NKS forum.

Prof. Mike Dunn, Dean of Indiana University's School of Informatics has kindly agreed to deliver the welcoming address to the conference participants during the Opening Reception Friday evening in State Room East.

Have kindly agreed to participate on the conference's advisory committee:

Prof. James Alexander Glazier Indiana University (pending availability)
Prof. Seth Chandler University of Houston Law Center
Prof. Bram Boroson Bowling Green State University
May 24

We're trying to confirm the following keynote speakers:

Friday (LH102) Matthew Szudzik Carnegie-Mellon University
Saturday (Frangipani) Todd Rowland Wolfram Research
Friday or Saturday evening Stephen Wolfram (IMU video link to Boston)
May 20 Conference website fully operational, pre-registration and web forum now open.
May 15-18 Call for papers issued.
May 12 Letter of agreement with IU Conferences becomes official.
May 5 The 2005 Midwest NKS Conference is approved by the Computer Science Department
Apr 25 Plans drafted with IU Conferences Office for the 2005 Midwest NKS Conference
Apr 24 Tom Wade Murphy puts together two comps (one, two) for the conference web site.
Apr 8-11

It is determined that a regional NKS conference is a good idea.

Catherine Boucher (by telephone), Todd Rowland (by e-mail), Prof. Andy Hanson (Chairman of the Computer Science Dept.), Prof. Dirk van Gucht (during an early morning breakfast at the Runcible Spoon), Prof. Paul W. Purdom, Anthony Martin and Mary C. Morgan (from the IU Conferences Office) help crystalize this idea a bit further.

Mar 25-31 Participants in the seminar enquire about the status of NKS 2005.
Jan 18

A Seminar on the Properties of Positional Number Systems with Negative Digits starts.
Prof. Paul W. Purdom acts as a moderator in this seminar.