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The libscheme library makes Scheme available as a standard C library and is easily extended with new primitives, types, and syntax. It runs on most Unix workstations including Harris Nighthawks, Suns, Intel 386/486 under Linux and OS/2, HP9000s, DECstations and DEC Alphas running OSF/1, IBM RS/6000s, NeXT machines and many others. Its simplicity and extensibility lends itself to use as an extension or scripting language for large systems. Currently it is being used by the DNPAP team at Delf University of Technology in the Netherlands as part of their ethernet monitor, and is being evaluated for use in a variety of other projects. The latest version of libscheme can be obtained from the Scheme Repository,, in the directory /pub/imp/.

Brent Benson
Mon Sep 19 16:03:14 EDT 1994