Information on Computing Systems for COM 3351 Computing will be done on the Sun3 or DEC workstations in Room 229. Logins and passwords will be distributed at the first class. NNU students should receive their numbers via courier. NTU students should call in to get their logins. [Note: there are no NNU or NTU students in Fall 1992]. **************************************************************** Dial-in access is available via the following phone numbers: 437-8640 CCS, 2400 bps, maybe MNP 5 437-8660 CCS, 9600 bps, v.32 (?) 437-8748,5499 DAC, 300-1200-2400 bps, MNP 5 437-8619 DAC, 9600 bps v.32 MNP 5 1. In general, the CCS dialin lines are to be preferred. Hit several carriage returns. At the prompt (CCS Modems>), type CCS Modems> c damon and log in to the server. There are 2 servers: damon (a Decstation) and dworkin (a Sun3). You can read mail, etc., on this machine, but you should NOT do your computing there. To do your computing, do: rlogin where is one of sun3140d...sun3140t for Sun-3 architecture, or dec5200a, dec5200b, dec3100a, dec3100b,dec3100c for a DECstation architecture. Check the load on the machine by doing "uptime" before doing anything else. Of course, if you are in Room 229, you should do your computing on one of the workstations (don't login to a workstation and then rlogin to a server!). 2. Dial-in via DAC (division of academic computing) may be flaky, especially at 9600 baud. Also, the modem server is somewhat different: At the first menu, select NET. You should then get a prompt similar to the one above. Continue as before. When last I checked, this server was able to reach dworkin without difficulty, but to reach damon you need to connect to "bleys". We hope to have this fixed. 3. 9600 baud service on CCS lines is still experimental. See the section on Troubleshooting Modem Connections below. **************************************************************** Useful commands for the telephone controller ( CCS Modems> or similar prompt): c (connect) to connect to a machine dc (disconnect) to end current session ("disconnect" on DAC server) BREAK (the BREAK key) suspends the current session and returns you to the controller res (resume) resumes a suspended session **************************************************************** The telephone controller will NOT automatically log out your session. Be sure to log out at the end of your session using the command "logout". If you are using a workstation via rlogin, be sure to log out both from the workstation AND from the machine you are connected to (damon in the example above). You should see on your screen something like Disconnected from damon ( before hanging up. If you do not do this, someone else may dial in and be connected to your session. This is not a good thing to have happen. [Note: this used to be a serious problem. It has allegedly been fixed, but it can't hurt to be careful.] **************************************************************** Troubleshooting your telephone controller connection: 1. Your modem should be set for 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. 2. If you get no response, try sending a BREAK. If there is still no response, the line may be in "hold screen" (Control-S) mode. Try sending ^S followed by ^Q to free the line. [This has not been a problem recently] 3. If you appear to be connected to someone else's session, send BREAK and then disconnect using "dc". [THIS SHOULD NO LONGER HAPPEN. If it does, please send mail to "systems" reporting the circumstances]. 4. If the modem answers at the wrong speed (1200 baud instead of 2400 baud), this probably means the modem is stuck. Bypass it by manually trying the available dialin lines (437-8640--49 and 8660--67) instead of relying on the auto-search mechanism. 5. The DAC 9600bps phone lines have worked only intermittently for the last few months. That's their problem, not ours. 6. The CCS 9600bps lines are still somewhat flaky. We are using Zoom 14.4KB modems. The most serious problems seem to be associated with using Macs to control Zoom modems. The recommended solution is to do a at&k4 (use software flow control instead of hardware flow control) [You can do this by typing at&k4 to the modem, or including something like &k4 in your initialization string). The file ~wand/pub/plangs/modem-help.txt contains more hints on running Zoom modems with the Mac. **************************************************************** Setting up your environment: Course accounts should already be initialized with the official CCS Good Dotfiles. These will get your computing environment set up for the directories, etc, used at CCS. Also they will give you lots of nice user-friendly commands for your emacs, etc. New permanent accounts (created Fall 92 or later) should also have these installed already. [To see if yours do, compare your .cshrc with /usr/local/contrib/Dotfiles/.cshrc]. For other accounts, we strongly recommend that you install these dotfiles. Do this by running /usr/local/contrib/Dotfiles/install . Your old dotfiles, if any, will be saved automatically. You can then add additional customization to the good dotfiles, if you wish. Before doing any Scheme programming, run the program ~wand/bin/plangs-init (by typing it at the prompt). This program will set up the initialization files .exrc and .chezrc . You can check to see that these files are present by doing the command ls -a . Once you have set up these files, you need not do this again. **************************************************************** Running Scheme: From the shell, invoke scheme with "scheme". If you have run ~wand/bin/plangs-init, this will alias scheme to "scheme ${HOME}/.chezrc", so the initialization files will be loaded automatically. Otherwise, invoke scheme with "scheme .chezrc" or "scheme .chezrc -other-load-files-". You can edit files using vi or GNU emacs. The file .chezrc contains some helpful functions for using vi. However, we recommend that you learn to use emacs. From emacs, invoke scheme using M-x run-scheme . See the emacs qrf for details. **************************************************************** We presume some familiarity with Unix. Here are some current defaults: DEL deletes last character Ctl-U deletes whole line Ctl-D end-of-file, acts as logout when typed to shell Ctl-C interrupts (and kills) running program Ctl-Z suspends (does NOT kill) running program If you suspend a job with Ctl-Z, it remains on the system. Restart it with the command "fg" (foreground). Don't start another emacs or scheme. Check your jobs with the "jobs" command, and don't run multiple copies of emacs or scheme. ****************************************************************