Playpen: Relation Unit Demo

Running and Interpreting the Demo


This demo illustrates relation units (RUs), clusters of five processing units designed to represent micro-relations. Each RU connects (potentially) to other RUs on its RU interface and (potentially) to OUs on its OU interface. Each interface consists of two OUs, representing the "arms" (or roles) of the relation. An RU is activated to the extent that the input along the arms of an interface is out-of-phase. A bias unit within the RU prevents it from turning on unless there is sufficient input along the two arms. There are four connections joining pairs of RUs, but only two weights, one for the corresponding arms and one for the opposing arms.

The demo illustrates how pairs of out-of-phase OUs can activated RUs and also how one activated RU can activate another.

The Network

The network consists of a layer of two OUs and a layer of two RUs. It begins with hard-wired weights. The two OUs are connected only to one of the RUs (the one appearing on the left in the RU window); each OU has a positive connection to one of the RU arms and a connection with a weight of 0 to the other. The two RUs are also connected to each other. There is a positive weight on the connections joining opposing arms and a weight of 0 on the connections joining corresponding arms. The weights from the OUs are strong enough to activate the RU on the left, but only if the two OUs are highly activated and out-of-phase. When the RU is activated (when the arms of both of its interfaces are active, that is), it activates the other RU.

What You Will See

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Michael Gasser
Last modified: Tue Jun 24 01:24:10 EST