The following hit counts are for both the Faces Archive and the Picons Archive, and do not include error, head or "no modification" responses, or local accesses via NFS. Information is included only for periods during which server logs were archived. Other months' reports and a cumulative report for all months are also available.
23293 hits on 1713 objects between 98/01/01 and 98/01/31 http: (100.0%) 23293 980101 980131 piconsearch (92.1%) 21447 980101 980131
129228 hits on 10568 objects between 97/12/31 and 98/01/31 http: (100.0%) 129228 971231 980131 faces (58.7%) 75867 971231 980131 domains (37.2%) 48081 971231 980131 misc (13.4%) 17302 971231 980131 users (2.4%) 3094 971231 980131 news (2.3%) 2998 971231 980131 usenix (1.8%) 2362 971231 980131 local (1.4%) 1837 971231 980131 weather (0.1%) 107 980101 980123 xface (0.0%) 17 980106 980129 unknown (0.0%) 13 980105 980121 picons/db (41.3%) 53361 971231 980131 weather (16.9%) 21820 971231 980131 domains (13.2%) 17079 971231 980131 users (8.2%) 10614 971231 980131 usenix (1.8%) 2357 971231 980131 news (0.7%) 936 980101 980131 misc (0.1%) 182 980101 980122 local (0.1%) 169 971231 980122 unknown (0.1%) 106 980102 980129 xface (0.0%) 17 980104 980116
27946 hits on 195 objects between 97/12/31 and 98/01/31 http: (94.4%) 26374 971231 980131 picons (81.2%) 22694 971231 980131 img (65.8%) 18401 971231 980131 ftp (12.2%) 3409 971231 980131 demo (2.9%) 798 980101 980131 db (0.0%) 8 980101 980131 javoice (0.3%) 74 980101 980131 cgi-bin/picons-memory (10.4%) 2901 971231 980131 ftp/faces (2.8%) 779 971231 980131 web_hits (1.4%) 387 971231 980131 93 (0.3%) 85 971231 980130 97 (0.3%) 83 980101 980131 94 (0.3%) 72 971231 980131 96 (0.2%) 68 980101 980130 95 (0.1%) 31 980101 980129 92 (0.0%) 10 980101 980128 xfaces (0.1%) 39 980101 980128 compface (0.1%) 20 980101 980131 chameleon (0.1%) 16 980101 980129 javafaces (0.1%) 16 980101 980130 faces (0.1%) 14 980101 980131 picons (0.1%) 14 980101 980128 demo (0.0%) 5 980101 980125 ftp:pub/faces (5.6%) 1572 971231 980130 picons (3.3%) 913 971231 980130 db (2.2%) 623 971231 980130 src (0.4%) 104 980101 980130 demo (0.2%) 52 980102 980129 faces (0.5%) 128 971231 980130 xfaces (0.4%) 123 971231 980129 compface (0.2%) 53 980101 980130 mailing_list (0.2%) 48 971231 980130 web_hits (0.1%) 36 980102 980129 97 (0.1%) 17 980102 980129 98 (0.0%) 3 980121 980122 javafaces (0.1%) 24 971231 980127 libfaces (0.1%) 18 971231 980129 misc (0.1%) 17 980102 980129 xfmail (0.0%) 12 980102 980123 meuf (0.0%) 9 971231 980129 chameleon (0.0%) 5 980108 980125 gnus (0.0%) 4 980104 980126 wmf (0.0%) 4 980105 980126 13669 980101 980131 /picons/img/blank.gif 2901 971231 980131 /cgi-bin/picons-memory/... 2008 971231 980131 /picons/ftp/index.html 1674 971231 980131 /picons/img/cccccc.gif 734 980101 980131 /picons/img/ffffff.gif 727 971231 980131 /picons/search.html 716 980101 980131 /picons/img/turn1.gif 708 980101 980131 /picons/img/card.gif 512 980102 980131 /picons/img/turn2.gif 510 971231 980131 /picons/ftp/faq.html 371 980102 980131 /picons/img/winner.gif 189 971231 980131 /ftp/faces/index.html 149 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/README 137 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/demo/index.html 130 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/demo/from.gif 129 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/demo/from-nomail.gif 129 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/demo/mailqto.gif 129 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/demo/newscheck.gif 129 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/domains.tar.Z 128 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/demo/lpqall.gif 113 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/index.html 89 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/misc.tar.Z 85 980102 980131 /picons/ftp/ 84 971231 980131 /ftp/faces/ 83 980101 980122 /picons/ 81 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z 78 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/users.tar.Z 62 980101 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/index.html 60 980103 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/news.tar.Z 58 980101 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/unknown.tar.Z 55 971231 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z 50 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/README 49 980101 980131 /picons/javoice/index.html 41 971231 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README 40 980101 980128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/weather.tar.Z 38 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/README 38 971231 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/README 36 980101 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-README 30 980101 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z 28 971231 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/02.html 28 980102 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/new 27 980101 980126 ftp:/pub/faces/faces 27 980102 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-2.18.tar.Z 23 971231 980129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/ 23 980101 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/README 22 980102 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-2.6.tar.Z 21 980107 980129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/10.html 20 971231 980128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/usenix.tar.Z 19 980103 980131 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/08.html 19 980102 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-README 18 980102 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/11.html 17 980101 980122 /picons/img/ 17 980102 980130 /picons/javoice/ 16 980103 980131 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/08refs.html 16 980101 980129 /picons/ftp/demo/ 16 980114 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/hits.html 15 980102 980129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/hits.html 14 980102 980130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/ 14 980102 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/1997 13 971231 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/README 12 980102 980130 /ftp/faces/javafaces/README 12 980101 980128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/ 12 980102 980130 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/FAQ 12 980121 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/12.html 11 980101 980128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README 10 980101 980129 /ftp/faces/chameleon/ 10 980102 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from.gif 10 980102 980128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/faq.html 9 980101 980131 /ftp/faces/compface/README 9 980106 980131 /ftp/faces/faces/README 9 980102 980130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/06refs.html 9 980102 980128 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/patch-dean 9 971231 980122 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/README 9 971231 980127 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/ 8 980101 980130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/05.html 8 980102 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/lpqall.gif 8 980102 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/mailqto.gif 8 980102 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/newscheck.gif 7 980101 980122 /ftp/faces/compface/ 7 980101 980126 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/ 7 980101 980129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/01.html 7 980116 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.README 7 980102 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from-nomail.gif 7 980102 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/index.html 6 980106 980120 /ftp/faces/chameleon/setup.gif 6 980101 980122 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/ 6 980101 980129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/ 6 980102 980127 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.README 6 980114 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-amir 6 980102 980123 ftp:/pub/faces/xfmail/README 6 980102 980121 ftp:/pub/faces/xfmail/xfmail-1.2.tar.gz 5 980101 980125 /ftp/faces/picons/demo/index.html 5 971231 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/03.html 5 980101 980123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/ 5 980107 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/05refs.html 5 980101 980123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/07refs.html 5 980101 980126 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/08refs.html 5 980101 980125 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09.html 5 980102 980126 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/04refs.html 5 980101 980131 /picons/ftp/db/README 5 980108 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/chameleon/setup.gif 5 980102 980116 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/12refs.html 5 971231 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff 4 980101 980121 /ftp/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z 4 980101 980128 /ftp/faces/javafaces/ 4 980101 980125 /ftp/faces/picons/index.html 4 980103 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/12.html 4 980103 980122 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/07.html 4 980108 980130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/09.html 4 980101 980125 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/ 4 980109 980130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/10.html 4 980103 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/08.html 4 980101 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/04refs.html 4 980108 980124 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01refs.html 4 980103 980131 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/05.html 4 980105 980125 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/06.html 4 980105 980130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/06refs.html 4 980101 980123 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ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1998/01.html 3 980114 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier 3 980114 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-faber 3 980114 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler 3 980114 980125 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3 2 980101 980128 /ftp/faces/faces/ 2 980119 980128 /ftp/faces/picons/ 2 980121 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/12.html 2 980124 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/01.html 2 980128 980131 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/05.html 2 980122 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/07.html 2 980122 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/11.html 2 980122 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/01.html 2 980122 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/04.html 2 980107 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/05.html 2 980123 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/07.html 2 980122 980125 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/09.html 2 980122 980129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/10.html 2 980122 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/11.html 2 980122 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/12.html 2 980122 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/03.html 2 980121 980126 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/03refs.html 2 980123 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/05.html 2 980123 980128 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/06.html 2 980122 980123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09refs.html 2 980108 980127 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/11.html 2 980116 980126 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/12refs.html 2 980107 980123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/07refs.html 2 980105 980124 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/10refs.html 2 980101 980121 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier 2 980103 980121 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler 2 971231 980113 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2-sgi.tar.gz 2 980115 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/meuf-3.0.nonBin.tar.Z 2 980105 980122 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.tar.Z 2 980122 980129 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.V1_5.tar.Z 2 980123 980126 ftp:/pub/faces/wmf/wmf-0.91.lsm 2 980105 980120 ftp:/pub/faces/wmf/wmf-0.91.tar.gzSteve Kinzler <>