Faces Archive Hit Report for 97/12

The following hit counts are for both the Faces Archive and the Picons Archive, and do not include error, head or "no modification" responses, or local accesses via NFS. Information is included only for periods during which server logs were archived. Other months' reports and a cumulative report for all months are also available.

19886 hits on 2002 objects between 97/12/01 and 98/01/01

http: (100.0%) 19886 971201 980101
    piconsearch (89.9%) 17871 971201 980101

123425 hits on 19220 objects between 97/11/30 and 97/12/31

http: (100.0%) 123425 971130 971231
    faces (54.9%) 67716 971130 971231
        domains (30.1%) 37194 971130 971231
        misc (12.0%) 14752 971130 971231
        usenix (4.7%) 5760 971130 971231
        news (3.3%) 4104 971130 971231
        users (3.0%) 3703 971130 971231
        local (1.6%) 1981 971130 971231
        weather (0.1%) 112 971130 971231
        xface (0.0%) 25 971206 971221
        unknown (0.0%) 17 971204 971221
    picons/db (45.1%) 55709 971130 971231
        weather (16.7%) 20558 971130 971231
        users (10.6%) 13131 971130 971231
        domains (8.6%) 10584 971130 971231
        usenix (7.6%) 9405 971130 971231
        news (1.0%) 1247 971201 971231
        local (0.2%) 238 971201 971231
        misc (0.2%) 198 971201 971231
        unknown (0.1%) 140 971201 971231
        xface (0.1%) 80 971201 971222

17267 hits on 208 objects between 97/11/30 and 97/12/31

http: (93.8%) 16190 971130 971231
    picons (75.4%) 13017 971130 971231
        img (52.8%) 9117 971130 971231
        ftp (16.6%) 2859 971130 971231
            demo (3.2%) 554 971130 971231
            db (0.1%) 17 971203 971229
        javoice (0.5%) 94 971202 971231
    cgi-bin/picons-memory (12.2%) 2109 971130 971231
    ftp/faces (6.2%) 1064 971130 971231
        web_hits (3.2%) 561 971201 971231
            94 (0.7%) 124 971205 971231
            97 (0.7%) 116 971201 971231
            93 (0.6%) 97 971204 971231
            96 (0.6%) 97 971202 971231
            95 (0.3%) 60 971205 971231
            92 (0.1%) 24 971203 971231
        xfaces (0.4%) 61 971202 971230
        compface (0.2%) 30 971203 971230
        faces (0.2%) 30 971203 971228
        chameleon (0.2%) 26 971203 971231
        picons (0.1%) 22 971202 971217
            demo (0.0%) 5 971210 971215
        javafaces (0.1%) 18 971201 971226
ftp:pub/faces (6.2%) 1077 971130 971230
    picons (3.1%) 542 971130 971230
        db (2.0%) 341 971130 971230
        src (0.4%) 67 971130 971226
        demo (0.3%) 57 971204 971230
    faces (0.7%) 122 971130 971230
    xfaces (0.5%) 86 971201 971230
    compface (0.5%) 79 971130 971230
    javafaces (0.2%) 31 971202 971229
    web_hits (0.1%) 25 971201 971226
        97 (0.1%) 20 971201 971226
    misc (0.1%) 16 971201 971230
    exmh (0.1%) 12 971204 971226
    gnus (0.1%) 10 971206 971229
    chameleon (0.0%) 8 971201 971230
    xfmail (0.0%) 7 971203 971221
    libfaces (0.0%) 6 971203 971229
    mailing_list (0.0%) 6 971207 971224
    meuf (0.0%) 5 971208 971215

6105 971130 971231 /picons/img/blank.gif
2109 971130 971231 /cgi-bin/picons-memory/...
1720 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/index.html
1471 971130 971231 /picons/img/cccccc.gif
 834 971130 971231 /picons/search.html
 481 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/faq.html
 371 971130 971231 /picons/img/ffffff.gif
 368 971130 971231 /picons/img/card.gif
 368 971130 971231 /picons/img/turn1.gif
 240 971130 971231 /picons/img/turn2.gif
 226 971130 971231 /ftp/faces/index.html
 169 971130 971231 /picons/img/winner.gif
 115 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/index.html
 113 971130 971231 /picons/
  91 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/README
  90 971201 971231 /ftp/faces/
  87 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/
  86 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/from-nomail.gif
  86 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/from.gif
  86 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/lpqall.gif
  86 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/mailqto.gif
  85 971130 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/newscheck.gif
  75 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z
  66 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/domains.tar.Z
  65 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/index.html
  62 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/users.tar.Z
  57 971206 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/02.html
  55 971202 971231 /picons/javoice/index.html
  48 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
  42 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
  39 971201 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/README
  37 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/README
  35 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/misc.tar.Z
  32 971203 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/index.html
  31 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/README
  31 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/README
  27 971201 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/
  27 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/unknown.tar.Z
  26 971130 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-README
  25 971203 971231 /picons/img/
  24 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/news.tar.Z
  22 971130 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/weather.tar.Z
  22 971201 971218 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
  20 971208 971227 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/10.html
  18 971130 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/faces
  17 971203 971228 /ftp/faces/chameleon/
  17 971203 971228 /ftp/faces/faces/README
  16 971203 971230 /ftp/faces/compface/
  16 971201 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/hits.html
  16 971207 971230 /ftp/faces/xfaces/
  16 971202 971227 /picons/javoice/javoice.zip
  14 971202 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/
  14 971205 971226 /picons/javoice/javoice.cab
  14 971201 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/usenix.tar.Z
  14 971202 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-2.18.tar.Z
  14 971130 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-README
  13 971203 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/
  13 971201 971224 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/08refs.html
  13 971203 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-2.6.tar.Z
  12 971209 971230 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/11.html
  12 971202 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.zip
  11 971203 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/12.html
  11 971204 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/
  11 971203 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/README
  10 971207 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/
  10 971206 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/
  10 971206 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/
  10 971205 971231 /picons/ftp/demo/
  10 971202 971224 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/patch-dean
  10 971204 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/newscheck.gif
   9 971203 971231 /ftp/faces/chameleon/setup.gif
   9 971203 971219 /ftp/faces/faces/
   9 971202 971217 /ftp/faces/picons/index.html
   9 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/10.html
   9 971207 971224 /ftp/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
   9 971203 971221 /picons/ftp/db/README
   9 971204 971226 /picons/javoice/
   9 971204 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from-nomail.gif
   9 971204 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from.gif
   9 971204 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/mailqto.gif
   9 971205 971224 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/faq.html
   8 971205 971230 /ftp/faces/compface/README
   8 971206 971217 /ftp/faces/javafaces/
   8 971201 971226 /ftp/faces/javafaces/README
   8 971210 971224 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/05.html
   8 971204 971220 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/05refs.html
   8 971210 971227 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/06refs.html
   8 971203 971229 /picons/ftp/db/
   8 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/chameleon/setup.gif
   8 971201 971225 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.README
   8 971204 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/index.html
   8 971204 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/lpqall.gif
   7 971207 971223 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/01.html
   7 971202 971219 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/08refs.html
   7 971206 971218 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01.html
   7 971210 971229 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/07refs.html
   7 971207 971223 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/10refs.html
   7 971208 971227 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
   7 971204 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh.README
   6 971203 971218 /ftp/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
   6 971205 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/03.html
   6 971205 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/07.html
   6 971212 971225 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/12.html
   6 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/04.html
   6 971206 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/01.html
   6 971208 971218 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-faber
   6 971206 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/README
   6 971203 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/README
   6 971202 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.README
   6 971205 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/11.html
   6 971202 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/11refs.html
   5 971205 971216 /ftp/faces/picons/faq.html
   5 971204 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/02.html
   5 971205 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/06.html
   5 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/01.html
   5 971206 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/03.html
   5 971205 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/06.html
   5 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/07.html
   5 971206 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/08.html
   5 971205 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/09.html
   5 971205 971225 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/05.html
   5 971210 971227 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/10.html
   5 971213 971227 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/12.html
   5 971204 971220 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/01.html
   5 971207 971225 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/05.html
   5 971207 971227 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/07refs.html
   5 971212 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/08.html
   5 971205 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09.html
   5 971207 971224 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/10refs.html
   5 971204 971219 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/12refs.html
   5 971204 971218 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
   5 971208 971218 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh-1.6.9.tar.Z
   5 971203 971219 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.bin
   5 971208 971215 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/libXpm.so.4.0.Z
   5 971208 971225 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/FAQ
   5 971205 971221 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/hits.html
   4 971205 971215 /ftp/faces/faces/patch-dean
   4 971213 971218 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/04.html
   4 971207 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/08.html
   4 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/09.html
   4 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/05.html
   4 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/11.html
   4 971206 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/12.html
   4 971213 971225 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/03.html
   4 971207 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/04.html
   4 971207 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/07.html
   4 971213 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/08.html
   4 971213 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/11.html
   4 971204 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/02.html
   4 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/04refs.html
   4 971210 971219 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/05refs.html
   4 971212 971231 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/06.html
   4 971210 971218 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/06refs.html
   4 971210 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/11refs.html
   4 971208 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/12.html
   4 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01refs.html
   4 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/02.html
   4 971209 971225 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/04refs.html
   4 971210 971219 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/05.html
   4 971210 971219 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/07.html
   4 971207 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/09.html
   4 971207 971225 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/09refs.html
   4 971207 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/10.html
   4 971213 971218 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-amir
   4 971209 971218 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier
   4 971215 971228 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
   4 971207 971224 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/new
   4 971204 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/README
   4 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-amir
   4 971203 971221 ftp:/pub/faces/xfmail/README
   3 971204 971215 /ftp/faces/picons/
   3 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/picons/demo/
   3 971214 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/02.html
   3 971215 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/06.html
   3 971207 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/09.html
   3 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/03.html
   3 971210 971219 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/03refs.html
   3 971207 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/07.html
   3 971210 971217 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09refs.html
   3 971214 971216 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/02refs.html
   3 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/03refs.html
   3 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/04.html
   3 971210 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/06.html
   3 971202 971217 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
   3 971207 971218 /ftp/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
   3 971210 971229 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.tar
   3 971208 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/10.html
   3 971208 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/10refs.html
   3 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier
   3 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-faber
   3 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
   3 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
   3 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
   3 971201 971230 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
   3 971208 971221 ftp:/pub/faces/xfmail/xfmail-1.1.tar.gz
   2 971206 971217 /ftp/faces/javafaces/javafaces.zip
   2 971213 971215 /ftp/faces/picons/demo/index.html
   2 971205 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/04.html
   2 971212 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/10.html
   2 971213 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/03.html
   2 971213 971215 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/08.html
   2 971213 971227 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/11.html
   2 971202 971204 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/11refs.html
   2 971208 971221 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/etc-0.27.tar.gz
   2 971208 971221 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/gnus-5.4.66.tar.gz
   2 971207 971224 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/1996
   2 971216 971218 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.tar.Z
   2 971201 971226 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/01.html
Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>