Faces Archive Hit Report for 97/11

The following hit counts are for both the Faces Archive and the Picons Archive, and do not include error, head or "no modification" responses, or local accesses via NFS. Information is included only for periods during which server logs were archived. Other months' reports and a cumulative report for all months are also available.

30168 hits on 3466 objects between 97/11/01 and 97/11/30

http: (100.0%) 30168 971101 971130
    piconsearch (96.0%) 28957 971101 971130

109860 hits on 8547 objects between 97/10/31 and 97/11/30

http: (100.0%) 109860 971031 971130
    faces (60.8%) 66757 971031 971130
        domains (36.8%) 40422 971031 971130
        misc (14.5%) 15891 971031 971130
        news (3.3%) 3626 971031 971130
        users (2.3%) 2580 971031 971130
        usenix (2.1%) 2339 971031 971130
        local (1.5%) 1630 971031 971130
        weather (0.1%) 127 971101 971130
        xface (0.1%) 68 971101 971130
        unknown (0.0%) 5 971105 971127
    picons/db (39.2%) 43103 971031 971130
        weather (19.3%) 21206 971031 971130
        users (10.9%) 11974 971031 971130
        domains (6.2%) 6818 971031 971130
        usenix (1.7%) 1827 971031 971130
        news (0.6%) 643 971101 971130
        local (0.2%) 198 971101 971130
        misc (0.1%) 146 971102 971130
        unknown (0.1%) 126 971101 971128
        xface (0.0%) 29 971104 971128

13730 hits on 178 objects between 97/10/31 and 97/11/30

http: (87.1%) 11953 971031 971130
    picons (75.4%) 10354 971031 971130
        img (43.7%) 6001 971031 971130
        ftp (25.4%) 3490 971031 971130
            demo (5.2%) 708 971031 971130
            db (0.0%) 5 971105 971120
        javoice (0.5%) 74 971031 971128
    ftp/faces (5.9%) 808 971031 971130
        web_hits (2.3%) 311 971101 971130
            94 (0.5%) 71 971105 971130
            96 (0.4%) 59 971101 971125
            95 (0.3%) 45 971102 971125
            93 (0.3%) 41 971105 971129
            97 (0.3%) 38 971102 971129
            92 (0.1%) 19 971105 971130
        xfaces (0.5%) 62 971031 971128
        chameleon (0.2%) 29 971031 971124
        faces (0.2%) 22 971103 971130
        javafaces (0.1%) 20 971101 971124
        compface (0.1%) 18 971101 971130
        picons (0.1%) 11 971103 971121
    cgi-bin/picons-memory (5.8%) 791 971101 971130
ftp:pub/faces (12.9%) 1777 971031 971129
    picons (7.2%) 991 971031 971129
        db (5.2%) 717 971031 971129
        src (0.8%) 107 971031 971129
        demo (0.2%) 31 971107 971129
    xfaces (1.0%) 137 971031 971129
    faces (0.9%) 120 971031 971129
    web_hits (0.7%) 101 971102 971124
        97 (0.5%) 73 971102 971124
    compface (0.5%) 74 971031 971129
    xfmail (0.3%) 40 971110 971124
    gnus (0.2%) 30 971114 971124
    javafaces (0.2%) 28 971031 971129
    libfaces (0.1%) 18 971031 971129
    misc (0.1%) 12 971031 971126
    chameleon (0.0%) 6 971107 971126
    mailing_list (0.0%) 4 971111 971125
    exmh (0.0%) 3 971103 971119
    meuf (0.0%) 3 971111 971121

3287 971101 971130 /picons/img/blank.gif
2238 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/index.html
1892 971031 971130 /picons/img/cccccc.gif
 791 971101 971130 /cgi-bin/picons-memory/...
 696 971031 971130 /picons/search.html
 460 971101 971130 /picons/ftp/faq.html
 285 971031 971130 /ftp/faces/index.html
 216 971101 971130 /picons/img/card.gif
 189 971101 971130 /picons/img/ffffff.gif
 189 971101 971130 /picons/img/turn1.gif
 147 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/domains.tar.Z
 138 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/README
 125 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/demo/index.html
 123 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/users.tar.Z
 121 971101 971130 /picons/img/turn2.gif
 117 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/demo/from-nomail.gif
 117 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/demo/from.gif
 113 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/demo/mailqto.gif
 112 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/demo/lpqall.gif
 112 971031 971130 /picons/ftp/demo/newscheck.gif
 110 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/news.tar.Z
 107 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/index.html
  93 971102 971129 /picons/
  91 971101 971130 /picons/img/winner.gif
  79 971102 971129 /picons/ftp/
  75 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/README
  68 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/misc.tar.Z
  66 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z
  60 971103 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/unknown.tar.Z
  54 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
  53 971103 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/weather.tar.Z
  51 971105 971120 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/02.html
  50 971101 971130 /ftp/faces/
  45 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/README
  44 971102 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/10refs.html
  42 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/README
  41 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-2.6.tar.Z
  40 971101 971128 /picons/javoice/index.html
  40 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
  35 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/index.html
  34 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/README
  34 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
  31 971110 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/xfmail/xfmail-1.1.tar.gz
  29 971103 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/10.html
  28 971105 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces
  28 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/FAQ
  28 971101 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/faq.html
  28 971104 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/hits.html
  24 971101 971130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/
  23 971101 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-README
  22 971031 971128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/
  22 971101 971126 /picons/javoice/javoice.zip
  22 971031 971125 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-README
  21 971031 971124 /ftp/faces/chameleon/
  21 971101 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-2.18.tar.Z
  18 971114 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/README
  18 971103 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/usenix.tar.Z
  16 971103 971128 /picons/img/
  15 971031 971128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
  14 971101 971130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/hits.html
  12 971103 971130 /ftp/faces/faces/README
  12 971105 971130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/12.html
  12 971105 971128 /picons/ftp/demo/
  12 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/patch-dean
  11 971101 971130 /ftp/faces/compface/
  11 971105 971130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/10.html
  11 971031 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-amir
  10 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.zip
  10 971031 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/README
   9 971105 971124 /ftp/faces/javafaces/
   9 971101 971121 /ftp/faces/javafaces/README
   9 971103 971120 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/
   9 971031 971128 /picons/javoice/
   9 971110 971121 ftp:/pub/faces/xfmail/README
   8 971103 971124 /ftp/faces/chameleon/setup.gif
   8 971031 971112 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/README
   8 971031 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2.tar.gz
   8 971031 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
   7 971105 971130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/
   7 971114 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/etc-0.27.tar.gz
   6 971103 971121 /ftp/faces/picons/index.html
   6 971105 971118 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/04.html
   6 971105 971115 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/09.html
   6 971105 971119 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/10.html
   6 971102 971119 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/
   6 971102 971129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/08refs.html
   6 971107 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/chameleon/setup.gif
   6 971110 971122 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.tar
   6 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.README
   6 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier
   6 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-faber
   6 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
   6 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
   6 971031 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
   5 971105 971130 /ftp/faces/faces/
   5 971105 971130 /ftp/faces/faces/patch-dean
   5 971105 971129 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/11.html
   5 971101 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/
   5 971103 971125 /ftp/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
   5 971114 971124 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/gnus-5.4.66.tar.gz
   5 971107 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from.gif
   5 971107 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/index.html
   5 971107 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/mailqto.gif
   4 971101 971130 /ftp/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
   4 971105 971116 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/01.html
   4 971105 971120 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/02.html
   4 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/06.html
   4 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/09.html
   4 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/11.html
   4 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/12.html
   4 971101 971109 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/05.html
   4 971105 971121 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09refs.html
   4 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01.html
   4 971105 971119 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/05refs.html
   4 971103 971120 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/10refs.html
   4 971105 971121 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier
   4 971110 971128 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.bin
   4 971111 971125 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/new
   4 971111 971121 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.README
   4 971109 971129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/README
   4 971107 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from-nomail.gif
   4 971107 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/lpqall.gif
   4 971107 971127 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/newscheck.gif
   3 971117 971124 /ftp/faces/compface/README
   3 971103 971105 /ftp/faces/picons/
   3 971105 971109 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/
   3 971105 971119 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/07.html
   3 971105 971130 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/
   3 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/01.html
   3 971105 971125 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/02.html
   3 971105 971121 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/03.html
   3 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/05.html
   3 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/07.html
   3 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/08.html
   3 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/10.html
   3 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/01.html
   3 971101 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/03refs.html
   3 971105 971123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/06.html
   3 971105 971117 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/06refs.html
   3 971105 971122 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/07refs.html
   3 971105 971122 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/08refs.html
   3 971105 971118 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/10refs.html
   3 971105 971125 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/11.html
   3 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/11refs.html
   3 971105 971117 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/12refs.html
   3 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01refs.html
   3 971106 971122 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-amir
   3 971105 971121 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-faber
   3 971105 971119 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
   3 971105 971128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
   3 971105 971110 /picons/ftp/db/
   3 971105 971125 /picons/javoice/javoice.cab
   3 971103 971119 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh.README
   3 971111 971121 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/README
   2 971105 971106 /ftp/faces/javafaces/javafaces.zip
   2 971105 971115 /ftp/faces/picons/faq.html
   2 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/03.html
   2 971105 971124 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/08.html
   2 971105 971108 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/09.html
   2 971105 971113 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/11.html
   2 971105 971113 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/12.html
   2 971105 971114 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/04.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/02.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/04refs.html
   2 971105 971118 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/05refs.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/07.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/08.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/10.html
   2 971105 971110 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/12.html
   2 971117 971119 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/05.html
   2 971105 971123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/06refs.html
   2 971108 971117 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/07.html
   2 971105 971123 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/07refs.html
   2 971105 971128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
   2 971105 971128 /ftp/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
   2 971105 971120 /picons/ftp/db/README
   2 971125 971126 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.V1_5.tar.Z
Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>