Faces Archive Hit Report for 97/06

The following hit counts are for both the Faces Archive and the Picons Archive, and do not include error, head or "no modification" responses, or local accesses via NFS. Information is included only for periods during which server logs were archived. Other months' reports and a cumulative report for all months are also available.

22544 hits on 3115 objects between 97/06/01 and 97/06/30

http: (100.0%) 22544 970601 970630
    piconsearch (97.3%) 21945 970601 970630

73696 hits on 3421 objects between 97/05/31 and 97/06/30

http: (100.0%) 73696 970531 970630
    faces (65.2%) 48057 970531 970630
        domains (44.2%) 32592 970531 970630
        misc (17.5%) 12865 970531 970630
        users (1.8%) 1342 970531 970630
        local (1.1%) 820 970531 970630
        news (0.4%) 274 970601 970630
        usenix (0.2%) 132 970604 970629
        xface (0.0%) 13 970615 970626
        unknown (0.0%) 8 970615 970625
    picons/db (34.8%) 25639 970531 970630
        weather (22.5%) 16601 970531 970630
        domains (6.7%) 4962 970531 970630
        users (4.4%) 3259 970531 970630
        usenix (0.5%) 366 970602 970630
        news (0.4%) 296 970531 970630
        unknown (0.2%) 121 970531 970630
        misc (0.0%) 30 970602 970630

12169 hits on 103 objects between 97/05/31 and 97/06/30

http: (88.9%) 10822 970531 970630
    picons (80.5%) 9800 970531 970630
        img (49.0%) 5966 970531 970630
        ftp (23.7%) 2886 970531 970630
            demo (5.2%) 634 970601 970630
        javoice (0.4%) 50 970603 970630
    cgi-bin/picons-memory (5.9%) 716 970531 970630
    ftp/faces (2.5%) 306 970531 970630
        web_hits (0.7%) 90 970602 970630
            94 (0.2%) 25 970604 970630
            93 (0.2%) 22 970602 970628
            97 (0.1%) 14 970604 970627
            92 (0.0%) 6 970604 970628
            96 (0.0%) 6 970604 970619
        faces (0.0%) 2 970604 970624
        picons (0.0%) 2 970604 970621
ftp:pub/faces (11.1%) 1347 970531 970629
    picons (6.6%) 804 970531 970629
        db (4.4%) 541 970531 970629
        src (0.9%) 115 970602 970628
        demo (0.3%) 42 970602 970626
    xfaces (1.3%) 158 970601 970628
    faces (1.0%) 127 970531 970629
    compface (0.6%) 70 970601 970627
    javafaces (0.2%) 24 970603 970627
    web_hits (0.2%) 24 970601 970621
        97 (0.1%) 15 970601 970621
    libfaces (0.1%) 15 970601 970626
    gnus (0.1%) 7 970602 970627
    misc (0.0%) 5 970606 970620
    exmh (0.0%) 3 970603 970619
    mailing_list (0.0%) 2 970605 970608
    meuf (0.0%) 2 970615 970622

3838 970531 970630 /picons/img/blank.gif
1678 970531 970630 /picons/ftp/index.html
1396 970531 970630 /picons/img/cccccc.gif
 877 970531 970630 /picons/search.html
 716 970531 970630 /cgi-bin/picons-memory/...
 512 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/faq.html
 218 970531 970630 /picons/img/ffffff.gif
 208 970531 970630 /ftp/faces/index.html
 147 970531 970630 /picons/img/card.gif
 147 970531 970630 /picons/img/turn1.gif
 139 970531 970630 /picons/img/turn2.gif
 124 970601 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/README
 119 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/demo/index.html
 111 970601 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/domains.tar.Z
 103 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/demo/from.gif
 103 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/demo/newscheck.gif
 102 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/demo/from-nomail.gif
 102 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/demo/mailqto.gif
 101 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/demo/lpqall.gif
  95 970603 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/users.tar.Z
  78 970531 970630 /picons/img/winner.gif
  64 970531 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/README
  62 970601 970630 /picons/ftp/
  62 970602 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z
  61 970601 970628 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
  57 970601 970628 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/misc.tar.Z
  55 970531 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/unknown.tar.Z
  51 970606 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/README
  48 970531 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/README
  48 970601 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
  45 970601 970628 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/news.tar.Z
  42 970601 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/index.html
  37 970601 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
  37 970602 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-README
  33 970603 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/README
  32 970603 970630 /picons/javoice/index.html
  31 970603 970628 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/weather.tar.Z
  29 970605 970629 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/index.html
  29 970602 970628 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-README
  26 970602 970628 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-2.18.tar.Z
  23 970603 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/usenix.tar.Z
  23 970602 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-2.6.tar.Z
  21 970601 970630 /picons/
  18 970604 970630 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/02.html
  17 970602 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/patch-dean
  15 970603 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/faq.html
  14 970602 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/README
  13 970603 970630 /picons/javoice/javoice.zip
  13 970603 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.zip
  12 970604 970629 /ftp/faces/web_hits/
  11 970606 970621 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/FAQ
   9 970601 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/README
   9 970601 970621 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/05refs.html
   9 970607 970621 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/hits.html
   9 970606 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-amir
   8 970607 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
   7 970602 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/README
   7 970607 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
   7 970607 970627 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
   6 970604 970628 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/12.html
   6 970604 970628 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/10.html
   6 970608 970621 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2.tar.gz
   6 970602 970617 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from.gif
   6 970609 970621 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/05.html
   6 970607 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier
   6 970607 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-faber
   6 970607 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
   5 970602 970623 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/03.html
   5 970604 970626 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/
   5 970604 970627 /ftp/faces/web_hits/hits.html
   5 970604 970630 /picons/javoice/javoice.cab
   5 970604 970624 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/README
   5 970602 970626 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from-nomail.gif
   5 970602 970616 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/mailqto.gif
   4 970613 970630 /ftp/faces/
   4 970604 970625 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/10.html
   4 970607 970629 /picons/ftp/demo/
   4 970603 970618 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.tar
   4 970607 970617 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/index.html
   4 970602 970616 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/lpqall.gif
   4 970602 970616 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/newscheck.gif
   3 970604 970626 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/09.html
   3 970604 970630 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/03.html
   3 970609 970626 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/05refs.html
   3 970622 970630 /picons/img/
   3 970603 970619 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh.README
   3 970606 970620 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.V1_5.tar.Z
   2 970604 970624 /ftp/faces/faces/README
   2 970604 970621 /ftp/faces/picons/faq.html
   2 970604 970623 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/04.html
   2 970604 970619 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/07.html
   2 970604 970619 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/08.html
   2 970604 970628 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/11.html
   2 970604 970618 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/02.html
   2 970604 970618 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09.html
   2 970604 970619 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/11.html
   2 970604 970626 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01.html
   2 970619 970626 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/01refs.html
   2 970619 970627 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/03refs.html
   2 970605 970618 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.bin
   2 970605 970608 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/new
   2 970615 970622 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/README
   2 970612 970620 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.README
Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>