Faces Archive Hit Report for 97/05

The following hit counts are for both the Faces Archive and the Picons Archive, and do not include error, head or "no modification" responses, or local accesses via NFS. Information is included only for periods during which server logs were archived. Other months' reports and a cumulative report for all months are also available.

26470 hits on 4117 objects between 97/05/01 and 97/05/31

http: (100.0%) 26470 970501 970531
    piconsearch (97.5%) 25818 970501 970531

90199 hits on 4823 objects between 97/04/30 and 97/05/31

http: (100.0%) 90199 970430 970531
    faces (59.6%) 53737 970430 970531
        domains (40.9%) 36897 970430 970531
        misc (15.5%) 13970 970430 970531
        users (1.6%) 1477 970430 970531
        local (0.9%) 797 970430 970531
        news (0.3%) 309 970430 970531
        usenix (0.3%) 249 970501 970531
        xface (0.0%) 14 970502 970527
        unknown (0.0%) 7 970506 970530
        weather (0.0%) 3 970504 970531
    picons/db (40.4%) 36462 970430 970531
        weather (25.2%) 22771 970430 970531
        domains (8.7%) 7873 970430 970531
        users (5.1%) 4573 970430 970531
        news (0.7%) 623 970430 970531
        usenix (0.4%) 401 970501 970530
        unknown (0.2%) 143 970430 970531
        misc (0.0%) 34 970501 970531
        xface (0.0%) 22 970502 970518
        local (0.0%) 6 970503 970523

21546 hits on 121 objects between 97/04/30 and 97/05/31

http: (94.4%) 20341 970430 970531
    picons (84.6%) 18219 970430 970531
        img (65.1%) 14033 970430 970531
        ftp (14.3%) 3076 970430 970531
            demo (3.2%) 682 970430 970530
        javoice (0.3%) 65 970501 970531
    cgi-bin/picons-memory (7.6%) 1648 970430 970531
    ftp/faces (2.2%) 474 970430 970531
        web_hits (0.8%) 162 970501 970531
            94 (0.2%) 44 970501 970530
            93 (0.2%) 38 970501 970530
            97 (0.1%) 17 970502 970526
            92 (0.1%) 13 970502 970527
            96 (0.1%) 13 970504 970531
            95 (0.0%) 4 970504 970513
        picons (0.0%) 10 970503 970531
            demo (0.0%) 3 970509 970527
        faces (0.0%) 6 970502 970530
        chameleon (0.0%) 2 970502 970512
ftp:pub/faces (5.6%) 1205 970430 970530
    picons (2.8%) 601 970430 970530
        db (1.9%) 406 970430 970530
        src (0.5%) 114 970430 970530
        demo (0.1%) 32 970430 970526
    xfaces (0.7%) 151 970430 970530
    compface (0.6%) 131 970430 970530
    faces (0.5%) 112 970430 970530
    misc (0.1%) 24 970430 970526
    javafaces (0.1%) 21 970430 970529
    web_hits (0.1%) 16 970501 970510
        97 (0.1%) 11 970501 970510
    gnus (0.1%) 11 970430 970525
    libfaces (0.1%) 11 970505 970529
    exmh (0.0%) 7 970521 970529
    meuf (0.0%) 5 970430 970521
    chameleon (0.0%) 4 970430 970526
    mailing_list (0.0%) 3 970522 970527

11064 970430 970531 /picons/img/blank.gif
 1735 970430 970531 /picons/ftp/index.html
 1648 970430 970531 /cgi-bin/picons-memory/...
 1490 970430 970531 /picons/img/cccccc.gif
 1015 970430 970531 /picons/search.html
  590 970430 970531 /picons/ftp/faq.html
  362 970430 970531 /picons/img/ffffff.gif
  359 970430 970531 /picons/img/turn1.gif
  357 970430 970531 /picons/img/card.gif
  287 970430 970531 /ftp/faces/index.html
  238 970430 970531 /picons/img/turn2.gif
  155 970430 970531 /picons/img/winner.gif
  122 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/index.html
  122 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/README
  112 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/from-nomail.gif
  111 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/from.gif
  111 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/mailqto.gif
  110 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/newscheck.gif
  105 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/lpqall.gif
   79 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
   79 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/users.tar.Z
   75 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z
   70 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/domains.tar.Z
   69 970430 970530 /picons/ftp/
   69 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/README
   62 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
   52 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/README
   48 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-README
   44 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/misc.tar.Z
   43 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
   36 970430 970530 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/unknown.tar.Z
   35 970501 970531 /picons/javoice/index.html
   31 970501 970529 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/02.html
   30 970501 970530 /picons/
   30 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/README
   28 970501 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/README
   27 970501 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/index.html
   26 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-2.6.tar.Z
   24 970430 970528 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/news.tar.Z
   23 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-2.18.tar.Z
   21 970501 970531 /ftp/faces/web_hits/
   19 970430 970527 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/weather.tar.Z
   17 970501 970526 /picons/javoice/javoice.zip
   17 970502 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-README
   12 970501 970530 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/10.html
   12 970501 970521 /ftp/faces/web_hits/hits.html
   12 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/faces
   12 970430 970528 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/usenix.tar.Z
   11 970502 970530 /picons/ftp/demo/
   11 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.README
   11 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/index.html
    9 970501 970522 /picons/javoice/
    9 970505 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/patch-dean
    9 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-amir
    8 970502 970527 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/12.html
    8 970502 970513 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/
    8 970501 970522 /picons/img/
    8 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/newscheck.gif
    8 970507 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
    7 970503 970527 /ftp/faces/
    7 970503 970528 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/10.html
    7 970503 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/README
    7 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from.gif
    6 970504 970511 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/09.html
    6 970508 970522 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/11.html
    6 970430 970525 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/README
    6 970505 970528 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.tar
    6 970505 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/README
    6 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from-nomail.gif
    6 970502 970510 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/04.html
    6 970504 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-charnier
    6 970430 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
    6 970507 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
    6 970507 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
    5 970504 970513 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1992/
    5 970507 970529 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/10refs.html
    5 970430 970519 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.zip
    5 970430 970521 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/README
    5 970430 970523 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.README
    5 970506 970528 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/FAQ
    5 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/mailqto.gif
    5 970501 970510 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/1997/04refs.html
    5 970503 970510 ftp:/pub/faces/web_hits/hits.html
    5 970507 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-faber
    4 970503 970531 /ftp/faces/picons/index.html
    4 970504 970513 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/
    4 970504 970513 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/
    4 970504 970513 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1995/
    4 970504 970513 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/
    4 970501 970522 /picons/javoice/javoice.cab
    4 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/chameleon/setup.gif
    4 970521 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh.README
    4 970430 970525 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.tar.Z
    4 970430 970526 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.V1_5.tar.Z
    4 970430 970506 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/lpqall.gif
    3 970502 970530 /ftp/faces/faces/
    3 970502 970506 /ftp/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z
    3 970504 970531 /ftp/faces/picons/
    3 970509 970527 /ftp/faces/picons/demo/index.html
    3 970507 970526 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/02refs.html
    3 970521 970525 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh-1.6.9.tar.Z
    3 970430 970523 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/etc-0.24.tar.gz
    3 970513 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/javafaces/javafaces.bin
    3 970508 970529 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2.tar.gz
    3 970522 970527 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/new
    3 970504 970510 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/faq.html
    2 970502 970512 /ftp/faces/chameleon/setup.gif
    2 970514 970530 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/01.html
    2 970509 970515 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/02.html
    2 970509 970530 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/03.html
    2 970507 970516 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/08.html
    2 970509 970530 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1993/12.html
    2 970515 970530 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1994/11.html
    2 970509 970527 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/08refs.html
    2 970507 970531 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1996/09.html
    2 970510 970515 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/03refs.html
    2 970503 970507 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/04.html
    2 970502 970507 /ftp/faces/web_hits/1997/04refs.html
    2 970430 970521 ftp:/pub/faces/gnus/gnus-5.4.11.tar.gz
    2 970505 970525 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2-sgi.tar.gz
    2 970505 970506 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/index.html
Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>