Faces Archive Hit Report for 95/11

The following hit counts are for both the Faces Archive and the Picons Archive, and do not include error, head or "no modification" responses, or local accesses via NFS. Information is included only for periods during which server logs were archived. Other months' reports and a cumulative report for all months are also available.

872 hits on 27 objects between 95/11/01 and 95/11/30

http: (100.0%) 872 951101 951130
    piconsearch (43.5%) 379 951101 951130

83297 hits on 1296 objects between 95/11/01 and 95/11/30

http: (100.0%) 83297 951101 951130 ?
    faces (63.6%) 52997 951101 951130 ?
        misc/MISC (37.2%) 30972 951101 951130 ?
        domains (16.8%) 13980 951101 951130 ?
        users (8.0%) 6656 951102 951130 ?
        icons/misc (1.0%) 827 951101 951130 ?
        news (0.4%) 359 951101 951130 ?
        local (0.1%) 103 951101 951129 ?
        logos (0.1%) 52 951101 951125 ?
        usenix (0.0%) 41 951110 951130 ?
        weather (0.0%) 2 951113 951113 ?
        ftp (0.0%) 1 951124 951124 ?
    picons/db (36.4%) 30299 951101 951130 ?
        weather (23.4%) 19529 951101 951130 ?
        users (7.4%) 6176 951101 951130 ?
        domains (4.4%) 3676 951101 951130 ?
        usenix (0.4%) 305 951101 951130 ?
        news (0.4%) 304 951101 951130 ?
        unknown (0.3%) 278 951101 951130 ?
        local (0.0%) 12 951108 951112 ?
        misc (0.0%) 7 951102 951118 ?
        xface (0.0%) 2 951108 951111 ?

9243 hits on 78 objects between 95/10/31 and 95/11/30

http: (77.0%) 7113 951101 951130 ?
    picons (70.5%) 6512 951101 951130 ?
        ftp (64.1%) 5921 951101 951130 ?
            demo (26.5%) 2453 951101 951130 ?
        demo (0.0%) 2 951105 951111 ?
    ftp/faces (6.5%) 599 951101 951130 ?
    picons.ftp (0.0%) 2 951103 951106 ?
ftp:pub/faces (23.0%) 2130 951031 951129
    picons (10.4%) 961 951031 951129
        db (6.1%) 565 951031 951129
        src (1.9%) 178 951031 951129
        demo (1.1%) 106 951031 951128
    faces (3.2%) 292 951031 951129
    xfaces (3.1%) 287 951031 951129
    compface (1.5%) 138 951031 951129
    libfaces (0.6%) 53 951101 951129
    meuf (0.5%) 49 951102 951129
    exmh (0.5%) 46 951101 951129
    misc (0.5%) 45 951103 951129
    mailing_list (0.4%) 35 951102 951121

2568 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/index.html ?
 861 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/faq.html ?
 594 951101 951130 /ftp/faces/index.html ?
 575 951101 951130 /picons/search.html ?
 452 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/demo/index.html ?
 405 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/demo/from-nomail.gif ?
 405 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/demo/from.gif ?
 405 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/demo/newscheck.gif ?
 400 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/demo/mailqto.gif ?
 386 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/demo/lpqall.gif ?
 220 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/README
 177 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/README
 123 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/README
 120 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/faces-1.6.1.tar.Z
  85 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.README
  77 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/compface.tar.Z
  77 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/xfaces-3.3.tar.Z
  76 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/users.tar.Z
  69 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/domains.tar.Z
  61 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/compface/README
  59 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-README
  58 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/misc.tar.Z
  53 951101 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/README
  50 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/unknown.tar.Z
  49 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/faces/patch-dean
  47 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/index.html
  46 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-README
  40 951031 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/news.tar.Z
  37 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/weather.tar.Z
  37 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/bits-2.3.tar.Z
  36 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/src/apps-2.11.tar.Z
  35 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler
  31 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-graaff
  30 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler2
  29 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/xfaces/patch-kinzler3
  28 951102 951130 /picons/ftp/ ?
  25 951101 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh.README
  23 951101 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/README
  22 951105 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.README
  22 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from.gif
  21 951102 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/exmh/exmh-1.6.2.tar.Z
  21 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/faq.html
  20 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/FAQ
  18 951102 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/README
  18 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/index.html
  17 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/from-nomail.gif
  16 951031 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/README
  15 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2.tar.gz
  15 951031 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/db/usenix.tar.Z
  15 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/lpqall.gif
  14 951102 951121 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/new
  14 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/mailqto.gif
  12 951103 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.README
  12 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/newscheck.gif
  10 951101 951128 /picons/ ?
  10 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2-sun.tar.gz
  10 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/picons/demo/index.html
   8 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/meuf-3.0.nonBin.tar.Z
   7 951102 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/meuf-3.0.solaris2.tar.Z
   7 951104 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/biffomatic.tar.Z
   6 951102 951114 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/1994.Z
   6 951102 951129 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/libXpm.so.4.0.Z
   6 951102 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/meuf-3.0.sunos.tar.Z
   5 951102 951117 ftp:/pub/faces/libfaces/libfaces-1.2-sgi.tar.gz
   5 951102 951114 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/1991.Z
   5 951102 951114 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/1992.Z
   5 951102 951114 ftp:/pub/faces/mailing_list/1993.Z
   4 951101 951108 /picons/? ?
   4 951101 951130 /picons/ftp/faq.html> ?
   4 951102 951114 ftp:/pub/faces/meuf/meuf-3.0.hp-ux.tar.Z
   4 951107 951128 ftp:/pub/faces/misc/ircfaces.V1_5.tar.Z
   3 951124 951130 /ftp/faces/ ?
   3 951103 951108 /picons/ftp/index.html> ?
   2 951114 951115 /ftp/faces/index.html& ?
   2 951103 951106 /picons.ftp/index.html ?
   2 951105 951111 /picons/demo/index.html ?
   2 951108 951115 /picons/ftp/faq.html& ?
   2 951108 951115 /picons/ftp/index.html& ?
Steve Kinzler <kinzler@cs.indiana.edu>