CSCI P545 Tue Feb 24 15:35:43 EST 2009 © [SDJ]

Project Description: Binary Search Trees

Specify a binary-tree search structure for holding integers. Recall from Homework Assignment L.pvs the inductive definition of tree type:

  leaf : leaf?
  node(val: T, left: tree, right: tree): node?
  END tree
The goal is to define functions for inserting items, deleting and finding items. That is, define functions The minimal correctness properties of S, I and D are:
  1. val(S(n, I(n, t))) = n. An inserted value can always be found in the resulting tree.
  2. leaf?(S(n, D(n, t))). A deleted value cannot be found in the resulting tree.
The object is to restrict the trees that these functions operate on to make searching more efficient, considered as programs.

Ordered Binary Trees (OBT). In an OBT t, b is either the leaf or its nodes are arranged so that:

Searching, inserting and deleting values in OBTs is faster because the functions can always determine which one of the subtrees follow and may ignore the other. Of course, the insert and delete operations must preseve the ordered property of the tree.

Balanced Ordered Binary Trees. BOBTs are OBTs in which, at any node, the size of the two subtrees is about the same. BOBTs further minimize the search times of the operations.

Other Search Tree Structures. P515 students doing this project might consider formulating other structures, such as Red-Black. However, in the time given, BOBTs would be a strong outcome for this project.