A290/A590 Main Menu

Tools for Computing/Topics In Programming:
Introduction to SQL Programming.


"What one man can invent another can discover."

-Sherlock Holmes "The Adventure of the Dancing Men"


Instructor: Jeff Whitmer

Jeff Whitmer

  • Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
  • Office Hours:

    • Summer 2024: By Appointment Only.

  • Office Hour Special NOTES:
    • Any changes to my office hours will be posted here.

      • Tuesday, June 18, 2024: FIRST DAY OF ON-LINE SESSIONS FOR THIS CLASS.

  • Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050) Office Phone: 855-3974.
  • E-mail: jwhitmer@iu.edu.

Meeting Times: (Summmer Session 2024)

  • Tuesday/Wednesday - Online resources will be posted. (Section 14385 and 14390).

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Important Updates for All Students
enrolled in Summer Session 2024


[LAST UPDATED: 7/25/2024]


  • CAT 4 scores posted. MINI/JIT/CAT Averages confirmed correct: Just a quick note to let everyone know I have posted the CAT 4 scores and confirmed the MINI/JIT/CAT averages on Canvas match my records. Overall, the class average was 83.16% which is one of the lower averages I have seen in this course. This seems to be caused, at least on part, by some students failing to submit one or more of the CAT or MINI exercises. As noted at the beginning of the course, missing one or two of these small point value assignments would have minimal impact on your final average, but as some of the resulting very low averages reveal, some students missed a very substantial number of these assignments which will impact final averages.

  • Homework Assignment 3 and IMPORTANT additional resource posted. is now available via the Homework page. It is due to your Canvas "Homework Assignment 3" in the "Individual Homework ASSIGNMENTS" group on Friday, July 26, 2024 BY 11:59:00.00PM (SHARP). As before, I have also posted a PLAIN TEXT version of the "questions" for Homework 3 so it may be easier to copy-and-paste them into your Word document.

    Make sure you are clear, Homework ASSIGNMENT 3 is intended to be a significantly more challenging set of problems than either Homework Assignment 1 or Homework Assignment 2. We do intend to push your understanding of what we have done so far to the limits. This is your final chance to really "show what you know.". However, do not be intimidated. All the information/data you need for this Assignment is there in the document and ALMOST all the SQL keywords and features you will need to complete the Assignment have already been discussed in class.

    I say ALMOST because, depending on your level of experience, you may have to do some additional individual research to make sure all your table properties and relationships are correctly established. Figuring that out on your own is part of the challenge of Homework Assignment 3.

    Please remember that these Homework Assignments are like "exams" in the sense that Sreya and I cannot offer any assistance with specific aspects of this assignment. It is up to you to figure out how to make it all work and get it right. That is the challenge to you.

    I would strongly encourage you to look this over carefully and thoroughly at your earliest convenience and let me know if you have any general questions. If any common questions arise, I will discuss this in detail in a class module on Tuesday, 7/23, and again on 7/24 (last class "meeting"). The Canvas Assignment will be available by the beginning of the week.

  • AI preferred appointment times now available. You will now find the and preferred appointment times for the course AI, Sreya, for A290/A590 on the Course website Homepage just below the section with announcements.

    Please note that "preferred appointment time" means just that. These are the times it is the most likely she will be able to meet with you online to answer questions that have not been answered in the meetings or other course resources. If you have a question about a Homework ASSIGNMENT, you are welcome to contact her to set up an appointment. HOWEVER, it is important to remember that Homework ASSIGNMENTS are like "take home exams" where you are being challenged to show what you have learned, so there is a limit to what questions may be answered. Also keep in mind we expect appointments to be kept and a missed appointment without notice may impact your options for future appointments.


Graduate Associate Instructors (AIs), Summer Session 2024:

Sri Sai Sreya Sadasivapetkar

Sri Sai Sreya Sadasivapetkar

Email: ssadasiv@iu.edu

  • Office Hours/Appointments: Usually part of class meeting time. Appointments also available and strongly encouraged.
    PREFERRED Appointment times:
  • Monday thru Friday: 10:00am - 12:00pm