A290/A590 Main Menu

Tools for Computing/Topics In Programming:
Introduction to SQL Programming.


"What one man can invent another can discover."

-Sherlock Holmes "The Adventure of the Dancing Men"


Instructor: Jeff Whitmer

Jeff Whitmer

  • Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
  • Office Hours:

    • Spring 2025: By Appointment Only.

  • Office Hour Special NOTES:
    • Any changes to my office hours will be posted here.

      • Monday, January 13, 2025: IU classes begin.

      • Tuesday, March 11, 2025: FIRST DAY THIS CLASS MEETS.

  • Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050) Office Phone: 855-3974.
  • E-mail: jwhitmer@iu.edu.

Meeting Times: (Spring Semester 2025)

  • Tuesday/Thursday: 11:10am - 12:25pm (sections 4447 and 5269)
    Miles Brand Hall I W109


animated GIF

Important Updates for All Students
enrolled in Spring Semester 2025


[LAST UPDATED: 3/11/2025]


  • Just-In-Time (JIT) Assignment 0 is posted. JIT 0 is available in the "Just-In-Time" section of the Homework Assignments page on the course website to anyone who is officially enrolled as of this moment and it is due to Jeff via plain text direct email from your IU-assigned email account by 10PM on Tuesday, March 11, 2025(tonight). If you are officially enrolled, you should have access to these resources. We will only mention this very simple assignment very briefly in one of our first meeting modules today. Be sure you precisely follow the very strict requirements for a successfully submission. Failure to do so will result your email not being properly filtered (sent to "Junk" or "Trash") and I will never find it and you will not be eligible for credit for this very first assignment. This will be the case on this and any future assignments where the directions are not followed precisely.

  • Welcome to A290/A590: Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language) Since you are viewing this message, the Registrar shows you are enrolled in this course. The first online meeting resources will be available Tuesday, March 11, 2025.

    This message is coming to you via the Canvas site for this course which will be our secondary source of shared information and our primary source for submitting assignments. You will also get a message where you can find the link to our course website, which will be the primary source for all course information and assignments. In addition, I will let you know when I have published a video welcome that give you some of the most basic details about how the course will be run.

    We will be using mySQL/MariaDB on the Luddy SICE Silo Unix system from the command line as well as with phpMyAdmin via a web browser. If you already have a Silo account, we will be setting everything else up for your before our meeting on Tuesday, March 25 (week of class after Spring Break). If you do not have a Silo account, we will be creating the account and setting everything else up for you before that March 25 meeting date.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Spring 2025: You will have to have a valid IU NetworkID AND be officially enrolled in A290 or A590 in order to gain access to detailed course resources like Meeting Guides, Homework Assignments, and other such resources. If you are officially enrolled in A290 or A590 as of today, Monday, March 10, 2025, you should be able to access these restricted resources when they are made available. For Example, the "JIT 0" assignment will be available on the "Homework Assignments" page of the course website on the morning of Tuesday, March 11 as will the Meeting 1 Slides if you wish to view them on their own. All the primary links on the course Homepage are now live, so you should be able to access all the primary links. If you get the "Forbidden" message, it means I have not yet unlocked that resource. HOWEVER, if you get "permission denied" or "authorization required" it means you are not officially enrolled, or not on my access list. If you believe you are officially enrolled and cannot access these resources on or after 3/11/2025, please contact me.


Undergraduate Instructors/Graduate Associate Instructors (UIs/AIs), Spring Semester 2025:

Piyush Chauhan

Piyush Chauhan

Email: pgchauha@iu.edu

  • Office Hours/Appointments: Usually part of class meeting time. Appointments also available and strongly encouraged.
    PREFERRED Appointment times:
  • TBA

Sri Sai Sreya Sadasivapetkar

Sri Sai Sreya Sadasivapetkar

Email: ssadasiv@iu.edu

  • Office Hours/Appointments: Usually part of class meeting time. Appointments also available and strongly encouraged.
    PREFERRED Appointment times:
  • TBA.

Zeshawn Zahid

Zeshawn Zahid

Email: zzahid@iu.edu

  • Office Hours/Appointments: Usually part of class meeting time. Appointments also available and strongly encouraged.
    PREFERRED Appointment times:
  • TBA.
