A111 Survey of
Computing Main Menu
A111 - Survey of Computers and Computing.
- Office: Luddy Hall 2050 (IF2050).
- Phone: 855-3974.
- E-mail: jwhitmer@indiana.edu.
Meeting Times:
Spring 2024: T/Th: 1:15 - 2:05 in Ballantine 221 (BH221) (section 35258)
Lab Times:
- Fridays: 10:20 - 11:10am in Luddy Hall 0006 (IF0006) (section 35259)
Spring 2025 Students: Please note the following: [Updated: 10/28/24]
- Most of the course website is locked in preparation for Spring 2025.
Most of the links are currently "Forbidden" as I prepare for Spring
2025, but the "Important Course Guidelines" and "General Course
Information" links are live. Look for a Canvas announcement before
March 10, 2025 that the site is ready for class. You are always
welcome to contact me with questions at jwhitmer@iu.edu.